733 collectifs

WebCapsule Studio

A propos

80% visuel - 20% code | Les avantages de la programmation visuelle, sans compromis.

2 missions réalisées avec Collective

Full Craft R&D Services

A propos

Du prototype à la mise en production, nous prenons en charge vos besoins de R&D en Data Engineering, Data Architecture et Data Science.

2 missions réalisées avec Collective

Forever Bije

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A stack of fools for your fullstack needs

2 missions réalisées avec Collective

BR Web Artisan

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Nous développons ce que vous imaginez

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Une com' explosive grâce au combo storytelling visuel et storytelling des mots

2 missions réalisées avec Collective

Novi Conseil

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Conseil en Stratégie & RSE 🌱📈

2 missions réalisées avec Collective

South Squad

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Exprimez votre vision, décrivez l'impact que vous imaginez - nous transformons vos idées en produits digitaux qui vous correspondent !

2 missions réalisées avec Collective

Prime AI

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Votre entreprise au prime de l’intelligence artificielle

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


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When polished design meet effective copywriting to boost conversion

2 missions réalisées avec Collective

Bizdev Family

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L'escouade de business developers qui fait décoller énergiquement votre business

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Nous créons des Chats Bots sur-mesure propulsés par IA pour vos clients!

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


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We help founders, startups and companies to design impactful products. #Product #Design #Marketing

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


A propos

Des idées. Du code. Vos apps. Simple, efficace, Cohort42 vous accompagne dans vos projets!

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Un bon design n’est pas le fruit du hasard 🥝

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Automatiser, Innover, Optimiser : Votre succès, notre mission.

2 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Nous produisons des produits de qualité pour les meilleurs entreprises obsédées par le pixel-perfect

1 mission réalisée avec Collective


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Votre stratégie Outbound de A à Z.

1 mission réalisée avec Collective


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360° Growth Design Studio: Marketing — Brand — Web — Growth

1 mission réalisée avec Collective



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When polished design meet effective copywriting to boost conversion

Notre travail (2)

The Mobile First Company

ReactNodeJavascript & Typescript

The Mobile First Company


ReactNodeJavascript & Typescript


Nos membres (3)

Mehdi Mammad

Figma & Framer Expert

Anas Qudaih

Copywriting & Framer Expert

Andrea Gauvreau

Figma & Framer Expert

Nos services (4)

Crafting Websites with Framer

Dive into the future of digital design with Kuartz, your creative partner in crafting visually striking and highly effective websites and landing pages on Framer.

Design by Kuartz

Kuartz redefines design, blending aesthetics with functionality for captivating digital experiences. Elevate your brand with our elegant, efficient solutions.

Copywriting by Kuartz

Craft your brand's voice with Kuartz's copywriting services. From engaging website content to compelling landing pages, we turn words into action, driving conversions and telling your story.

Ce qui nous rend unique

# The Kuartz Manifesto: Sculpting the Future of Digital Experiences

In an era where the digital landscape is as vast as it is varied, standing out requires more than just being seen—it demands being remembered. At Kuartz, we don't just build websites; we craft digital legacies. Our collective, born from a fusion of artistry, innovation, and strategy, is on a mission to redefine the essence of online presence. Here's what sets us apart and drives us forward:

## Innovation at Our Core

We believe in breaking boundaries, not just pushing them. Our approach to web design and development is rooted in innovation—constantly exploring, experimenting, and evolving. We're not here to follow trends; we're here to set them. By embracing the latest technologies and creative strategies, we ensure our clients always lead, never follow.

## A Symphony of Design and Copywriting

Our mantra, "When polished design meets effective copywriting to boost conversion," is more than a slogan—it's the heartbeat of Kuartz. We understand that the magic happens at the intersection of compelling visuals and persuasive narratives. This synergy not only captivates but converts, making every Kuartz project a masterpiece of form and function.

## Conversion-Driven Philosophy

While others may prioritize aesthetics or traffic, our eyes are firmly on the prize: conversion. Every decision, from layout to lexicon, is made with the goal of turning visitors into advocates. We're not just creating websites; we're engineering ecosystems optimized for growth, engagement, and conversion.

## Collaboration Over Competition

Kuartz thrives on collaboration, both within our collective and with our clients. We believe that the best results stem from synergy and shared vision. Our clients are co-creators, partners in the truest sense, embarking on a journey of digital transformation together.

## Sustainability and Ethics in the Digital Age

As we sculpt the digital future, we remain committed to ethical practices and sustainability. From ensuring digital accessibility to advocating for privacy and data protection, we're dedicated to a digital world that's inclusive, secure, and sustainable.

## The Kuartz Promise

To our clients, partners, and the digital community: we promise to remain relentless in our pursuit of excellence, innovation, and impact. We're not just another collective; we're your digital sculptors, committed to carving out a space for your brand that's not only seen but remembered and revered.

## Join Us

We're not just looking for clients; we're looking for visionaries, dreamers, and pioneers who are ready to redefine the digital landscape. If you're ready to embark on a journey of digital excellence, Kuartz is your collective. Together, let's craft not just websites, but legacies.

3 membres