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How we added +1.2M€ ARR for Per Angusta

Achieving ambitions through operational and strategic excellence in B2B Growth.

Tony scaled us up in less than a year. He possesses a sharp intellect, remarkable expertise, and a thirst for sound advice. We Leverage, they transformed the way we approach growth and enabled our success in the US go-to-market strategy.

Pierre Laprée portrait

Pierre Laprée

CEO at Per Angusta

👀 The Company

Per Angusta is a procurement analytics software company that helps organizations gain control and visibility over their spend data. They were aiming to expand their reach into both the EU and US markets with a strong focus on targeting key players in specific industries.

🤝 The Challenge

The SaaS Startup approached us with clear objectives:

  • Establish a strong presence in the US and EU markets

  • Targeting the most influential companies in their respective industries

  • Achieve a +350% ROAS Performance

The primary goal was to generate a substantial number of qualified leads and significantly increase Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR).

The client also sought to reduce Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and achieve a remarkable Return on Investment (ROI). Furthermore, they aimed to position themselves as a corporate leader in the United States.

💪 Our 4-step approach

1 ·  Identifying the Right People in the Right Accounts

Company Identification & Database Building

The first step involved rigorous data analysis to identify the top 10 sectors ripe for engagement. After sector selection, we focused on curating a list of 10-30 key companies within each sector. This was carried out for both the US and EU markets to broaden our scope.

We then initiated the database construction process. Initial data was gathered through scraping techniques, which was then further enriched by adding B2B contacts relevant to the identified companies and sectors.

We used the Zoom Info for the Go-to-market US

The right data for the right Ideal Customer Profile

Each company had a minimum of +20 key contacts, with their professional e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and all the most relevant data: tools used, tech stack, financial data, personal data, etc.

The immediate impact we witnessed was a 45% reduction in CAC when we aligned our campaigns with a data-enriched ICP. This was corroborated by higher engagement rates and increased revenue within a quarter.

In essence, aligning quality data with your ICP isn’t just a good strategy—it's a proven formula for high ROI and sustainable growth.

💡 We use Zoom Info is US and SalesNavigator with our enrichment workflows in France to build the databases.

💡 Using these lists in our campaigns was game-changer. We divide our CAC by 2 at this single moment: targeting the right people in the right accounts.

2 · Crafting the Perfect Lead Magnet we could

The success of any digital marketing campaign often hinges on the efficacy of its lead magnet. Our approach to crafting the perfect lead magnet involved rigorous A/B testing, creative collaboration, and data-driven optimizations.

Methodology of this Creative Synergy

Initially, we A/B tested three different lead magnets, all in the form of Free White Paper Downloads. To ascertain their impact, over 15 unique messages were tested for each. The highest-performing magnet emerged as "The Ultimate Guide to Procurement Software Management," which was subsequently deployed across all campaigns. One of the keys to our success was the unique combination of our creative studio’s expertise and the client's intricate understanding of their customer base and product. This synergy allowed us to design a lead magnet that was not only appealing but also deeply relevant to the target audience.

Proven Results & Quantifiable Impact

The efforts culminated in a remarkable +15% increase in conversion rates among a carefully chosen audience. This uplift was not merely a fluke; it was the result of ongoing Conversion Rate Optimizations tailored to the preferences and behaviors of the selected demographic.

Our data-driven strategy not only increased the quantity of leads but also improved their quality, contributing to a more streamlined and efficient sales funnel. The robustness of the lead magnet meant that the leads generated were already pre-qualified to some extent, reducing the effort required in the subsequent stages of the sales process. In conclusion, the art of crafting the perfect lead magnet is an exercise in precision—balancing creative flair with empirical evidence to achieve measurably better outcomes. The numbers speak for themselves; effective lead magnets are integral to maximizing ROI in B2B growth strategies.

💡 We combine our creative studio and their knowledge of their customers and their product to create the perfect Lead Magnet

💡 We achieve +15% of conversion rate on a selective audiences, thanks to continuous Conversion Rate Optimizations

3 · Launching & Scaling the Growth Strategy

Embarking on a multifaceted growth strategy is no small feat, but when executed with precision, the outcomes can be transformative. Our approach combined targeted advertising, cold emailing, and smart retargeting, all bolstered by high-quality data and segmented follow-up.

The Growth Roadmap prioritized with the ICE score / AARRR Framework

Multi-Channel Outbound & Paid Campaigns

Our initial thrust involved launching awareness campaigns across Google Ads, YouTube Ads, and LinkedIn Ads. We aimed these at a meticulously crafted prospect list of 30,000, supplemented by lookalike audiences. Specialized tools—Zoom Info for the US and Phantombuster & Dropcontact for France—enabled precise targeting. Complementing these efforts were cold email campaigns executed through Lemlist, alongside paid advertisements promoting a free guide and case studies. The dual strategy ensured we tapped into diverse customer touchpoints.

Segmented Retargeting & Nurturing

To enhance customer engagement, we deployed segmented retargeting ads aimed at both converters and non-converters. This balanced approach ensured that we did not neglect any segment of our audience, thus maximizing potential conversions. After a prospect downloaded the guide and received a warm introductory call from an SDR, they were funneled into a dedicated HubSpot list. This list then triggered a series of seven high-value marketing emails designed to nurture and convert.

‍Measurable Success

The strategy yielded compelling results, including an impressive +8% email response rate following first-touch paid acquisition campaigns. This is a substantial uptick when considering that the industry average for cold email response rates hovers around 1-3%. In summary, a well-calibrated, data-driven growth strategy has the power to drive both quantity and quality in lead generation. The combination of advanced tools, segmented approaches, and continuous monitoring led to significant increases in engagement and conversions, demonstrating the efficacy of our methods.

4 · Continuous Analysis and Improvement: The Heartbeat of Sustainable B2B Growth

In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, resting on your laurels is not an option. Our strategy embraced a philosophy of continuous analysis and iterative improvement, underpinned by robust data analytics and agile execution.

‍Data-Driven Refinement & continuous Optimization

The cornerstone of our approach was ongoing analysis of campaign metrics. This allowed us to refine target industries and expand our prospect list to younger and more technical profiles, thus widening the net without diluting quality. Campaigns were continuously adjusted to home in on prospects displaying genuine interest in our offering. This optimization strategy drove up both engagement and conversion rates, leading to more efficient resource allocation.

Our data revealed a compelling illustration of the Pareto principle: a mere 15% of Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) generated a staggering 85% of Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Added. This insight helped us refocus our efforts on high-impact leads.

CEO-Led Sales Efforts & Measurable Outcomes

The active involvement of the CEO in key sales endeavors added a layer of credibility and urgency that proved to be a significant differentiator, enhancing the overall impact of our campaigns.

The numbers were compelling: the concentrated focus on the top 15% of SQLs led to 85% of the MRR Added. This was further augmented by multi-channel brand reinforcement through ad remarketing, targeted emails, and personalized sales approaches.

In conclusion, the concept of 'set it and forget it' is anathema to effective B2B growth strategies. It's the iterative analysis and agile improvements that unlock sustainable growth and measurable impact. Our approach not only optimized existing processes but also uncovered new opportunities, ensuring that we are always one step ahead in the game.

💡 15% of SQLs generated 85% of the MRR Added, thanks to brand reinforcement with ad remarketing, emails & continuous personalized sales approaches.

💰 The results

Our approach resulted in remarkable outcomes for Per Angusta:

  • 950+ high qualified leads were generated.

  • €350,000 in MRR was added.

  • +250% ROAS

  • CAC was reduced by 50%.

  • Sales efforts were concentrated on the most valuable prospects, with a 15% focus generating 85% of revenue.

  • Update: Per Angusta successfully exit in the US with SpendHQ



Lead GenerationSEAEmailing


Nov 2021 to Jul 2022