758 matching collectives



Nous développons des sites & applications en utilisant des pratiques de conception et de développement durables.

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Power Back to small Businesses

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When polished design meet effective copywriting to boost conversion

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Ace Studio Webflow & Bubble


La réalisation de votre site web et app de A à Z par des pointes du No Code ayant travaillé pour des Startups à succès.

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On a monté et boosté les équipes marketing & design des plus belles start-up ! Notre créativité pour atteindre l'objectif n'a pas de limites !

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Leverage | Growth Collective


Collectif d'experts en Growth pour entreprises ambitieuses. Transparence, efficacité et performance.

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Votre partenaire Airtable & automatisation.

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Des idées. Du code. Vos apps. Simple, efficace, Cohort42 vous accompagne dans vos projets!

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Studio 3D • Illustration | Web | Motion | Animation | VR | Espaces virtuels 📍 Marseille

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Growth Advisors.


Générez de nouvelles opportunités grâce à l'outbound marketing !

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Un collectif de professionnels passionnés pour des vidéos créatives et impactantes !

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We Are Motion


Le collectif spécialisé dans la production de motion design 🚀.

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Collectif 201


Parce qu'on ne peut jamais être deux sans un.

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Ahoy !


Un archipel de profils créatifs et techniques qui mutualisent leurs talents et leurs expertises pour vous offrir LE site web dont vous rêvez.

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Intelligence Applicative ✨ Transcription & Synthèse

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Éclairer, innover, transformer - Product, Design et Data

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Mettez un coup de baguette 🪄 dans vos data ! 🧙

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Moonimize vous propose d'élaborer des solutions personnalisées, évolutives et flexibles pour soutenir votre croissance, tout en considérant vos défis commerciaux.

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Nomination logo


IT services & ConsultingOtherTech & SoftwareMedium

How we added +275,000€ ARR to Nomination

By developing an end-to-end growth strategy, from the database analysis and enrichment to the growth outreach and paid campaigns.

Leverage changed the way we do B2B Growth Marketing. They helped us build, launch and scale it. They doubled the performance of our email campaigns and generated over €335,000 in opportunities, enabling us to exceed our annual targets. Their spirit and goodwill were at the heart of the support we received.

Benoît Marcellin portrait

Benoît Marcellin

CEO at Nomination

👀 The Company

Nomination is a cutting-edge B2B prospecting platform that empowers businesses to discover and engage with their potential clients.

With access to a vast database boasting over 400,000 key contacts spanning more than 50,000 companies, Nomination offers a centralized hub for all the essential information coveted by sales and marketing directors, ranging from organizational charts to email and phone contact details.

📈 The Challenge

Your mission is clear: Develop and expand your B2B growth strategy within the dynamic French market.

The primary objective is to generate high-quality appointments with sales and marketing directors through a sustainable and scalable approach.

To measure success, specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been established:

  • Achieve a 350% Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) from the allocated budget.

  • Keep the Cost Per Lead (CPL) for demo requests at a competitive €80.

These ambitious goals serve as the foundation for a strategic journey towards growth and success.

💪 Our 4-Step Approach

1 · In-Depth Database Analysis

Our journey began with a comprehensive analysis of Nomination's extensive database. We analyzed the industries, segments, and potential revenue opportunities. This data-driven approach yielded valuable insights, shaping both the Target Addressable Market (TAM) and Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

Complete Data Analysis & TAM / ICP Definition

Identifying the Target Addressable Market (TAM)

We meticulously identified the most promising industries and segments by calculating the average lifetime value for each. This provided a clear picture of where to focus efforts.

Refining the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

This analysis helped us refine the ICP with tangible data and sales insights, providing a more precise understanding of the customer base.

2 · Prioritizing CRO Excellence Before Traffic Acquisition

We recognized the importance of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) before driving traffic. Our efforts aimed at enhancing the website's performance in multiple dimensions.

Website Enhancement

We initiated a complete redesign, optimizing headlines, colors, images, and product videos. The goal was to make the website more ROI-driven.

New Hero for each Solution pages

Optimizing the Demo Request Page

Recognizing the impact of a well-structured demo request page, we revamped it. Incorporating best practices such as reassurance, customer testimonials, clear lead forms, and refined design, we achieved a 2.5 times increase in conversion rates.

A new Demo page with x2.5 in Conversion rate

3 · Launching an End-to-End Multichannel Campaign

With a well-prepared database and an improved website, it was time to kickstart a comprehensive multichannel campaign. Our strategies included ultra-personalized cold email campaigns, LinkedIn messages, and cold calls as part of our Account-Based Marketing (ABM) approach.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

We targeted 100 companies across 10 sectors, with a focus on reinforcing Nomination's brand, initiating quality conversations with key decision-makers, and generating demo requests.

4 · Launching Profitable Google Ads Campaigns

Simultaneously, we launched an extensive Google Ads strategy from the ground up. This strategy encompassed various platforms and precise targeting methods.

+350% ROAS on Google Ads campaigns

Multi-Platform Campaigns

Our Google Ads campaigns spanned Display, Youtube, Google Search, Facebook Ads, Retargeting, and Lookalike audiences, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Highly Targeted Approach

By selecting keywords with low or medium competition, medium to high search volume, and low or medium CPC, we optimized our campaigns for success. Our ad messages were crafted to align seamlessly with the prospect's awareness funnel.

Achieving a 350% ROAS Performance

Within just four months, our efforts translated into a ROAS of 350%, indicating that for every euro spent, we generated 3.5 euros.

💰 The results

Our strategic approach delivered outstanding results for Nomination:

  • A substantial increase in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) by +€275,000.

  • A remarkable 3.5 times increase in click-through rates on the website.

  • A significant 2.5 times boost in conversion rates.

  • A 50% reduction in the Cost Per Lead (CPL).

  • Achievement of the ambitious 350% ROAS target.

  • Fostered team cohesion and alignment towards a shared goal of revenue generation.



Lead GenerationCROSEA


Sep 2022 to Sep 2023