758 matching collectives



Nous développons des sites & applications en utilisant des pratiques de conception et de développement durables.

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Power Back to small Businesses

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When polished design meet effective copywriting to boost conversion

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Ace Studio Webflow & Bubble


La réalisation de votre site web et app de A à Z par des pointes du No Code ayant travaillé pour des Startups à succès.

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On a monté et boosté les équipes marketing & design des plus belles start-up ! Notre créativité pour atteindre l'objectif n'a pas de limites !

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Leverage | Growth Collective


Collectif d'experts en Growth pour entreprises ambitieuses. Transparence, efficacité et performance.

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Votre partenaire Airtable & automatisation.

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Des idées. Du code. Vos apps. Simple, efficace, Cohort42 vous accompagne dans vos projets!

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Studio 3D • Illustration | Web | Motion | Animation | VR | Espaces virtuels 📍 Marseille

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Growth Advisors.


Générez de nouvelles opportunités grâce à l'outbound marketing !

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Un collectif de professionnels passionnés pour des vidéos créatives et impactantes !

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We Are Motion


Le collectif spécialisé dans la production de motion design 🚀.

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Collectif 201


Parce qu'on ne peut jamais être deux sans un.

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Ahoy !


Un archipel de profils créatifs et techniques qui mutualisent leurs talents et leurs expertises pour vous offrir LE site web dont vous rêvez.

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Intelligence Applicative ✨ Transcription & Synthèse

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Éclairer, innover, transformer - Product, Design et Data

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Mettez un coup de baguette 🪄 dans vos data ! 🧙

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Moonimize vous propose d'élaborer des solutions personnalisées, évolutives et flexibles pour soutenir votre croissance, tout en considérant vos défis commerciaux.

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Crème de la crème logo

Crème de la crème

IT services & ConsultingMedium

How we generated +100 sales meetings / month for Crème de la crème

Thanks to end-to-end growth solutions : from database enrichment, growth outbound campaigns to sales ops improvements.

Leverage has been our growth partner for over a year. They managed HubSpot setup and drove 100+ weekly sales appointments. Collaborating closely with our sales team, they ensured a successful growth-sales action plan and exceeded expectations, even with various constraints.

Grégory Beck portrait

Grégory Beck

COO & Cofounder at Crème de la crème

👀 The Company

Crème de la Crème is French marketplace who connects freelancers with businesses. They ensure to their clients the access to the top 10% of experts across domains including tech, data, marketing, product, and communication.

🤝 The Context

Their ambition was clear: to fortify their B2B growth and outbound strategies by structuring their Growth & B2B department and addressing lead generation issues. They approached us for assistance and implementation in redefining their Target Addressable Market (TAM), Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), and launching effective B2B growth strategies.

💪 Our 4-step approach

1 · Defining the TAM and ICP

Data-Driven ICP and CRM Expansion

After transitioning from Pipedrive to HubSpot, we gained the capability to handle a much larger and more complex dataset. Leveraging data analytics, we meticulously examined Crème de la crème's historical customer data to craft a highly accurate Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). This led to a targeted approach in scaling the CRM, directly impacting the quality of leads and opportunities.

TAM Recovery and Business Impact

Custom tools were developed to efficiently recover and engage the entire Target Addressable Market (TAM) based on the refined ICP. As a direct result, Crème de la crème experienced a CRM growth from 35,000 to over 80,000 qualified contacts. This database expansion across nine specific industries led to the acquisition of 200+ high-value accounts, positioning the company as a dominant player in its market.

These strategic moves not only expanded Crème de la crème's customer base but also significantly optimized sales and marketing efforts, resulting in higher ROI.

We went from 35,000 to over 80,000 qualified contacts

2 · Launch automated outbound campaigns

Multi-Channel Strategy: Automation and Personalization

We leveraged the freshly populated CRM to initiate multi-channel automated campaigns that included LinkedIn, email, and phone touchpoints. What set us apart was the highly personalized nature of each interaction. We utilized a data-driven approach, tailoring each message based on 20+ attributes like job title, company, and industry.

Impact and Metrics: Doubling Contacts and Increasing Engagement

Our approach proved to be exceptionally effective. Crème de la crème saw more than 48,000 automated emails sent, effectively doubling the number of contacts in their CRM. More importantly, this wasn't just a numbers game; the quality of engagement increased as evidenced by a 10% rise in email response rates.

This personalized, automated approach enabled Crème de la crème to not only expand its reach but also significantly improve the quality of its engagements, driving a higher conversion rate and ultimately impacting the bottom line.

We launched +35,000 emails with multicanal approaches

3 · Scale up advertising campaigns.

Lite Account-Based Marketing: Targeting High-Value Accounts

We opted for a Lite Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy that concentrated on 30 priority accounts across nine key industries. This laser-focused approach allowed Crème de la crème to allocate advertising resources more efficiently, ensuring that marketing efforts were highly aligned with sales objectives.

Boosted Visibility and Extended Reach

The ABM strategy led to a considerable uplift in brand visibility and reach. By focusing on accounts that mattered the most, Crème de la crème saw a marked improvement in advertising effectiveness, ensuring a higher ROI and laying the groundwork for accelerated growth.

The implementation of the Lite ABM approach has been pivotal in optimizing Crème de la crème's advertising spend and achieving superior results, thus aligning perfectly with their growth ambitions.

+330 MQLs generated, with a CAC/LTV 3x below our objective

4 · Sales enablement & SalesOps

Sales Tooling and Ops: Empowering the Sales Force

We shifted our focus towards the sales team, implementing a robust set of growth tools along with SalesOps and RevOps initiatives. These were designed to boost the effectiveness of the sales reps, providing them with the resources needed to excel in their roles.

Impact and Metrics: Qualifying and Fortifying Contacts

During this period, our efforts paid off with over 15 sales reps securing appointments with qualified leads. The added benefit was the enrichment of these contacts, providing essential email addresses and phone numbers to bolster outreach.

Through this comprehensive approach to sales enablement, we significantly enhanced Crème de la crème's sales operations, improving both the quality and efficiency of the sales pipeline.

💰 The results

  • 100 top sales meetings/month generated by the B2B Growth team.

  • 45,000+ top contacts now populate the CRM, representing a vast expansion.

  • 4x increase in revenue attributable to our B2B Growth initiatives.

  • 38,000+ automated emails sent via HubSpot, a staggering tenfold boost.

  • 2x surge in meetings generated through outbound campaigns, with appointments booked via B2B growth surging from 22% to 55%.

  • €1.2 million annual volume signed, underlining the substantial impact of our partnership.



Lead GenerationSEASales Strategy


Sep 2022 to Sep 2023