758 matching collectives



Une équipe d’experts en Product, rapidement mobilisables pour mettre sur pied un MVP ou rafraichir vos designs 🧊

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Brigade 123


Au service de la croissance de votre projet.

7 missions successfully executed on Collective



Une équipe Marketing, Design & Dev à vos côtés - pour votre croissance

7 missions successfully executed on Collective



Construisons ensemble votre « minimum lovable product » pour un impact maximum

7 missions successfully executed on Collective



Créateur de projets ambitieux pour des clients exigeants et des marques engagées.

7 missions successfully executed on Collective



Efficience + Dynamisme = Punch.

7 missions successfully executed on Collective



Stratégie commerciale et digitale pour les entreprises engagées

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Notre but ? Vous aider à toucher les bonnes personnes sur les réseaux sociaux.

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Les visagistes du web

6 missions successfully executed on Collective

Nocode Iroh Squad


La Tech peut faire peur, surtout quand on part d’une feuille blanche : nous construisons vos fondations, puis vous rendons autonome.

6 missions successfully executed on Collective



Des experts motivés pour concevoir et réaliser des applications ou des plateformes web pour des clients exigeants !

6 missions successfully executed on Collective

FS Studio


Experts franco-américaine en design, validée par 8 ans d'innovation et plus de 300 réussites. Nous sommes vos experts en branding, UI/UX, web et product design. Bénéficiez de notre rapidité, efficacité et tarifs compétitifs.

6 missions successfully executed on Collective



Gagnez du temps et concentrez-vous sur votre coeur de métier ! Nous on s'occupe de pousser votre business en ligne.

6 missions successfully executed on Collective

Madskills | E-learning


Les experts de la formation en ligne au service de votre production de contenus pédagogiques

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Capsule Corp.


(écoute + créativité + technologie) x notre expérience = vos objectifs ²

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Collective for communities.

6 missions successfully executed on Collective



Le collectif d'anciens consultants en stratégie, pour des conseils éclair, 10x moins chers

5 missions successfully executed on Collective

GYL studio


Votre produit - De A à Z

5 missions successfully executed on Collective

Redpill logo



RedPill (Web3)

RedPill aims to bring token incentivized NFT trading to Solana. Its innovative mechanism allows the distribution of tokens to users as they trade and hold NFTs on the platform.

Really good work

Redpill Founder portrait

Redpill Founder

Founder at Redpill


RedPill aims to bring token incentivized NFT trading to Solana. Its innovative mechanism allows the distribution of tokens to users as they trade and hold NFTs on the platform.
The project's previous brand identity and communications did not stand out enough to create a name for itself, felt standardized in terms of user experience, and lacked retention features.
As a result, the founding team commissioned us to redesign the platform's UXUI and to execute a complete rebranding.

Our Work


Having a distinctive look & feel is a crucial requirement to make the cut in web3. Not only it helps with product differentiation, but it also conveys the right identity to match and communicate the ethos & personality of a project. All of which are important factors to attract and generate a user base. To achieve an elevated and strategic brand uplift, we've performed a complete overhaul of RedPill's visual presence, from a revised logo, coherent color palette, and a unique graphic system revolving around the idea of the Pill itself. We drew inspiration from cinematographic references and crafted a distinctively dark, mature yet elegant and quirky universe for RedPill, combining seamlessly the NFT and pop cultures.

Marketplace User Experience

- Atomic design approach - deconstruction and reconstruction of the entire UI kit, with new components designs and UX improvements - all of which matching the rebranding applied to UI.

- Remapping of the user navigation, following best principles to allow for a logical, seamless flow that would facilitate user conversion and retention.

- Design of new key features and functionalities crucial to the product's competitiveness.

Marketing & Creatives

  • Art Direction and production of motion graphics and social media content to support on-going communications.

Notable Results

  • Post-rebranding acquisition of the entire marketplace and hiring of its core team, by a private investor.



Product StrategyProduct Design - UX/UIVisual identity