721 matching collectives



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Pineapple Squad


Créons ensemble une identité unique, créative & propre aux valeurs de votre entreprise ! 🍍

TILT Créative


Un duo de choc pour des projets qui font TILT !

GTL studio


Nous créons des solutions numériques innovantes pour les entrepreneurs, les startups et les entreprises avec des technologies de pointe et une équipe de développeurs de logiciels expérimentés.



4 développeurs javascript seniors (+ de 7 ans) pour accélérer votre développement logiciel, web, mobile ou d'outils internes.

L'Equipe Com'


Une alliance de talents pour votre communication



Des expert.e.s pour lancer et accélérer vos services grâce à 17 ans d'expériences cumulées.

Pimp My Saas


Turning creative success into business



Web Dev and DevOps

Enfants terribles


Nous réconcilions vos enjeux stratégiques avec les besoins de vos utilisateurs pour créer des expériences à succès.



Bringing bespoke AI / LLM capabilities to your business

Neo Stories


Etudes utilisateurs, conseil en stratégie et branding



Empowering data, unleashing potentials.



Experts in Data Science building End-to-End AI solutions on the cloud

Copy House


Le meilleur copywriting se fait en groupe, suite à de nombreuses relectures entre copywriters.



No description.



Le code est notre ADN, l'innovation notre nature

MVP Rocket


We build MVPs and data-oriented apps with strong graphic identity



Use to navigate


Bringing bespoke AI / LLM capabilities to your business

Our work (3)


Strategy Consulting

Cross-functional efficiency & AI readiness assessment



Alfred - f40 Task Agent


ReactVueJavascript & Typescript

Ben - f40 Calendar Agent

Our members (4)

Maxime Cerisier

Product Build & Deployment specialist - 7y XP

Siddharth Kulkarni

Prompt Engineering & Data specialist - 9y XP

Ismael Cherkaoui

Business & finance specialist - 9y XP

Our services (3)

End-to-end build, training & deployment of AI Agents for your Company

Stay one step ahead by unlocking the power of LLMs for your business. We specialize in crafting AI agents tailored to your unique workflows to automate tasks and maximize your team's efficiency!

Zero-shot prompt engineering as a service to maximize value from LLMs

Leverage our proprietary know-how on prompt engineering to unlock brand-new value from your Company data to learn more about your clients and boost your business's competitive edge.

Managed / on-premise hosting of LLM Ops infrastructure

Choose the most convenient of our hosting options: 1) End-to-end hosting on four40 AWS instance 2) Managed hosting by four40 on a new AWS instance 3) Docker image of four40 deployed at your servers

What makes us special

1) Our value proposition
We combine our sound understanding of customers' business processes (Data, Operations, Finance and Tech) with the latest state-of-the-art advancements in AI to deploy autonomous agents that help the teams free up their time for what matters most and increase the efficiency of the overall organization.

We execute in 3 steps:

A) AI Agents' job specifications: We spend time with your key team members to understand their day-to-day workflows and identify bottlenecks to define the Job-To-Be-Done for ultra-custom AI Agents that meaningfully enhance their productivity and workday quality.

B) AI Agents' build & deployment:
We handle end-to-end the build of your AI Agents and augment your business with AI capabilities. We leverage our proprietary methodology to integrate, embed, and vectorize your custom data into one integrated model of your business.

C) AI Agents' zero-shot prompt enhancement & model fine-tuning: We make sure your AI Agents deliver the job at the highest levels of reliability through our proprietary prompt engineering and fine-tuning modules.

2) Our story
We are a group of four friends with diverse experiences in different countries, who met in France in 2019 as part of a budding fintech start-up. Together, we shared the experience of growing a company from 20 to 500 - going from an overcrowded room in a Paris incubator, to managing complex operations with cross-functional teams in multiple countries.

We experienced the challenges that we know all growing companies face as complexity increases. As these companies need to focus on their core competencies, on “what they do”, their raison d'être, they don’t necessarily have the time to focus on “how they do” what they do.

four40 is a reference to the universal tuning frequency used in music: 440hz. Our journey is dedicated to supporting companies on the “how”, allowing them to focus on what they’re good at - their core business. By building a work ecosystem that gives purpose and agency to people & brings alignment across functions, we are helping teams become more engaged and organizations efficient.

4 members