757 matching collectives



On s’occupe de la Tech, concentrez-vous sur votre croissance

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Captez efficacement vos cibles grâce à une marque puissante 🔥

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Flutter Squad : Conception et développement d’applications mobiles sur-mesure en Flutter

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WebCapsule Studio


80% visuel - 20% code | Les avantages de la programmation visuelle, sans compromis.

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Full Craft R&D Services


Du prototype à la mise en production, nous prenons en charge vos besoins de R&D en Data Engineering, Data Architecture et Data Science.

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Forever Bije


A stack of fools for your fullstack needs

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BR Web Artisan


Nous développons ce que vous imaginez

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Une com' explosive grâce au combo storytelling visuel et storytelling des mots

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Novi Conseil


Conseil en Stratégie & RSE 🌱📈

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South Squad


Exprimez votre vision, décrivez l'impact que vous imaginez - nous transformons vos idées en produits digitaux qui vous correspondent !

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Prime AI


Votre entreprise au prime de l’intelligence artificielle

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Bizdev Family


L'escouade de business developers qui fait décoller énergiquement votre business

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Nous créons des Chats Bots sur-mesure propulsés par IA pour vos clients!

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We help founders, startups and companies to design impactful products. #Product #Design #Marketing

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Un bon design n’est pas le fruit du hasard 🥝

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Automatiser, Innover, Optimiser : Votre succès, notre mission.

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Nous produisons des produits de qualité pour les meilleurs entreprises obsédées par le pixel-perfect

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Votre stratégie Outbound de A à Z.

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Forever Bije


Use to navigate

Forever Bije

A stack of fools for your fullstack needs

Our work (9)


Ruby on RailsRubyJavascript & Typescript

Ridisi - Development of an augmented text editor targeting reading techers


Ruby on RailsRuby

Ecov - Modernizing Ruby on Rails Applications

Where to Dance

Ruby on RailsJavascript & TypescriptWeb Design

Where to Dance - Web Platform Development

Our members (6)

Matthieu Lamarque

Full-Stack Web Developer

Vincent Gabou

Full-Stack Web Developer

Ophélie Bancod

Art Director / Motion designer

Our services (6)

Fullstack Web Development

After 10+ years of a fruitful love story with Ruby and its framework Ruby on Rails, we are happy to call ourselves experts in web development. Tell us your needs, we will architecture & code them.

Devops Engineering

We have managed many web apps with different configuration & hosting setups. We can help you in a variety of sysadmin areas: deployment automation, cache management, system monitoring, upscaling etc.

Flesh out your ideas

If you have an idea, we can help you deconstruct it in parts, write the specifications, and establish a development planning with milestones & time estimations. So you always know what's ahead

What makes us special

Trust is at the core of our work ethic. When you choose to work with us, we want you to feel like you can trust us fully, both in our technical ability and as humans. We also want to feel the same towards you. Because there's a good chance we've never met, know that we will do our best to build that trust as soon as possible.

Our clear-cut methodology is our stepping stone for building that trust. Once your idea is fleshed out and the project specifications are written (with or without Forever Bije included in this process), we will provide you with a detailed development planning. It will contain estimates for every part of the project, development milestones, testing phases, and production deployment. As the project advances, we will provide frequent updates, with an iterative approach, to make sure our visions are aligned at all times. Eventually, we will write a technical documentation/user guide and ensure that your team understands/can make use of everything we've developed before we consider our collaboration complete.

During development, we strongly believe in the importance of Unit Testing to make sure everything that we code is in accordance with the specifications. It takes a bit longer to ship code, but it gives us (and more importantly, you) the confidence that everything works now, and that future developments will be possible without the fear of unwanted breaking changes.

We are preferably looking for projects with an impact (social, environmental, etc.) because we believe the more help we can bring to the community, the better.

Forever Bije was initially created to give a framework to the activities of Stéphane and Vincent. Depending on the size of your project, we can also leverage a network of trustworthy and talented freelancers with years of experience working together, whom we consider part of our team.

Forever Bije is the holder of the French "Agrément au Crédit Impôt Innovation" (an innovation-related tax credit certificate). If you are a French organization, you can include our invoices in your CII expenses, and get additional tax returns from our collaboration.

6 members