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Alan Baby Mobile Application

Mobile Application for Young Parents

Within the French unicorn company, Alan, we developed the Alan Baby application, an app that assists young parents on their journey towards fulfilling and positive parenthood.


Alan Baby was born from Alan's commitment to support young parents (whether insured by Alan or not) during the first weeks and months following the birth of their child.

The project was initiated in November 2020, and a first version of the app was available on the App Store in January 2021.

After over a year of operation and success (with over 30,000 users and a store rating of 4.9/5), the application was discontinued (more details here).

Features and Technology

🔒 Shared authentication system with Alan

📙 Articles, exercises, and videos within a personalized program for the user

👩‍⚕️ Teleconsultations and personalized user support by midwives through live chat exchanges

💤 Offline-first application

🤝 Social network for young parents, enabling them to discuss common questions with the support of our medical team

  • The application was developed in React Native, leveraging Alan's Flask API (Python)

  • Articles, programs, and videos were delivered via the Dato CMS

  • All interactions with the medical team are stored in an internal database, but end-to-end encrypted to ensure complete confidentiality

  • All content is personalized for each user, based on their app usage and responses to their situation (child's age, issues faced, etc.), with these responses anonymized.


  • The first version of the application was designed, developed, and published on the App Store in less than two months.

  • In one year, it achieved an average rating of 4.9/5 on the App Store, with over 1,300 reviews.

  • 35,000 parents completed the onboarding process, 12,000 conversations took place between parents and healthcare professionals, and over 10,000 parents enjoyed better nights thanks to personalized programs



ReactProduct Management