8 matching collectives



On conçoit, on fait évoluer et on développe votre SaaS & vos produits associés.

12 missions successfully executed on Collective

Design 4 Impact


Un collectif d'experts en stratégie, produit et design pour vous accompagner de la définition de votre besoin jusqu'à la solution



Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible

Product Verse


Let's shape the future of product

Scalae Studio


We solve your business problems with tech solutions



We help you to build the right product for your users.



Enhancing Product Experience, Driving Growth

Limbo Studio


CTOs as a service


Financial ServicesIT services & ConsultingLarge

Design System Management

Management of Alan's design system to enhance communication between design (10 members) and tech (80 members) teams.


At Alan, we are all FullStack engineers. However, we don't all have the same front-end experiences, whether it's about best practices or design inclination.

So, how do we continue delivering the highest quality software and elevate the designers' work in such a dynamic and vibrant company like Alan? The answer is the Design System, of course ;)

The Mission

Starting with a comprehensive yet technically challenged component library (graphical inconsistencies, bugs, duplicate use cases), we, in collaboration with the Design team, implemented the following strategy:

  • Definition of the Design System as a whole: principles, components, atoms, foundations, core components, design tokens

  • Refactoring of the component library:

    • Sharing interfaces (Typescript) between React and React Native libraries to ensure a consistent practice on both mobile and web

    • Sorting components and migrating the codebase to establish a unified relationship between UX usage and a component

  • Implementation of documentation using Storybook

  • Creation and implementation of design tokens (colors, sizes) to ensure maximum consistency in size and margin management

  • Implementation of linting rules (ESLint) to guide the 80 developers toward best practices

  • Implementation of high-level design principles (UI Engineering Principles)

  • Formation and management of a team of willing developers to evolve the Design System over the long term

  • Study and implementation of the best styling solution for our needs

The major challenge of a project like this was that it was necessary to make all these changes without impacting the work of the 80 developers working on the same repository.

We established a precise action plan to ensure that the impact of the various migrations did not disrupt other teams, particularly through the creation of "progressive" linting rules:

  • If a line of code doesn't comply with the rule but has never been touched, the linter remains silent

  • If a developer touches the line in question, then they must correct the linter error

As a result, we managed to bring about graphical consistency in record time by involving all developers in making micro-changes over several months.

Today, Alan's Design System is a cornerstone of its visual identity and the efficiency of its teams.



Javascript & TypescriptProduct Design - UX/UI