8 matching collectives



On conçoit, on fait évoluer et on développe votre SaaS & vos produits associés.

12 missions successfully executed on Collective

Design 4 Impact


Un collectif d'experts en stratégie, produit et design pour vous accompagner de la définition de votre besoin jusqu'à la solution



Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible

Product Verse


Let's shape the future of product

Scalae Studio


We solve your business problems with tech solutions



We help you to build the right product for your users.



Enhancing Product Experience, Driving Growth

Limbo Studio


CTOs as a service

Trace for Good

Apparel & FashionIT services & ConsultingMicro

Migrating from a No-Code MVP to a Growth-Ready App

Limbo Studio collaborated with the young startup Trace for Good on migrating from a no-code application to a React + Node application in just a few weeks.


Trace for Good's mission is to streamline supply chain traceability for retail players (textile, leather goods, etc.). The technical challenges are quite complex, as the product needs to handle the complex data models of their clients' catalogs and coordinate communication with their suppliers while maintaining the simplest and clearest interface for its users.

The company had internally developed a product based on a no-code solution (using Bubble), which had its limitations: performance issues, inability to build certain features, diminished velocity.

The challenge was to migrate from this no-code solution to an in-house application as quickly as possible, as the company needed to continue rapidly evolving its product.

Features and Technology

🧱 Importing clients' product catalogs

🔍 Clear presentation of traceability data

📬 Automated supplier communication and traceability forms

  • The application was designed in React + Vite with a Node + Prisma API, allowing rapid iterations and using common, simple technologies for ease of future code takeover by an in-house development team.

  • Emphasis was placed on the need for a simple, robust, and scalable Data Model. We started with the current product needs and compared a first version to possible product evolutions to achieve a simple, pragmatic version ready for the future.


In two months, Pierrick and Arthur:

  • Designed, implemented, and delivered the new version, ensuring a smooth migration

  • Challenged and co-imagined a new version of the traceability flow, a core feature of the application

  • Guided Trace for Good on their short and medium-term development and tech team needs.



Javascript & TypescriptNodeProduct Strategy


Mar 2023 to May 2023