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Alan Mind Mobile Application

Mental Health Mobile Application

Within the French unicorn company, Alan, as a Team Lead, Arthur led the Alan Mind team (15 members), a digital mental health solution for individuals and businesses. Pierrick was a senior developer on the project and was able to develop a personalized content module (text, video, audio) for users in just a few weeks.


The project began following Alan's acquisition of Jour, a mobile journaling application.

The challenge was to transform it into a holistic mental health solution, including content, exercises, journaling, mental health assessment, and connection with therapists chosen by Alan. This also involved integrating it with the rest of the Alan platform (user and company account management, technology sharing, etc.)

In parallel with product development, Arthur led the expansion of the Alan Mind team from a small product team (3 developers, a product manager, and a designer) into a micro-startup within the startup (3 teams with 10 developers, two product managers, two designers, a sales team, a marketing team, etc.) in just a few months.

Features and Technology

🔒 Shared authentication system with Alan

📔 Articles, exercises, and videos within a personalized user program

👩‍⚕️ System for booking and tele-consultation sessions with professional therapists

🚀 In-depth work on onboarding new users to optimize the personalization of their journey and maximize retention

The application is entirely built in React Native, allowing deployment on both iOS and Android with a single codebase.

It relies on a Node API with Prisma.

Content and exercises are dynamically delivered in the app through an external CMS, Dato.


In 6 months, Arthur and the Alan Mind team achieved:

  • Successful integration of the Jour product and team into Alan, its culture, and its tech

  • Tripled in size while maintaining the same velocity

  • Designed, developed, and shipped complex features: content personalization and distribution, appointment scheduling with healthcare professionals

  • Transitioned from a B2C application to a true Alan product, integrated with the rest of the Alan product and ready for B2B commercialization.



ReactJavascript & TypescriptReact Native


Sept. 2021 à Avr. 2022