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BCNByBike is a cutting-edge mobile app that shows cyclists in Barcelona the most efficient and safe bike routes. The app provides a seamless experience for users to find, save, and share their favorite routes while reaping the benefits of innovative app development by combining advanced mapping technology and a user-friendly interface.


The primary challenge in developing BCNByBike was to create an intuitive and user-friendly application that delivered accurate and personalized route information while remaining visually appealing and engaging for users. Our development team utilized the latest technologies, such as Mapbox SDK, React Native, and Ruby on Rails, to create a highly functional and visually appealing application. The custom algorithm ensured that the best routes were suggested based on user preferences, resulting in a personalized and enjoyable cycling experience.

Our team focused on implementing advanced mapping technology and a custom algorithm, allowing users to find the most efficient and enjoyable cycling routes in Barcelona. We also ensured that the app's user interface was clean, modern, and easy to navigate, resulting in a seamless user experience.


Find the quiet streets that make cycling a joy

We make use of Mapbox SDK for React Native, and a custom in-house made algorithm to display the best routes based on the user preference. This project is developed entirely in React Native using Ruby on Rails on the backend.

Project Scope

  • Customized Route Planning

The app generates personalized routes based on user preferences, considering factors such as safety, traffic, and road conditions. Users can input their desired start and end points, and the app will generate the optimal route for their journey, showcasing the power of modern app development.

  • Real-time Updates

    BCNByBike provides real-time updates on traffic, road closures, and other relevant information, ensuring users always have the most up-to-date and accurate route information, thanks to our expertise in mobile app development services.

  • Social Sharing

    Users can easily share their favorite routes with friends and fellow cyclists through social media platforms, email, or direct messaging within the app, highlighting the seamless integration of digital features.

  • Performance Tracking

    Most mobile apps on the market need an offline mode to be useful. This app allowed users to access certain data at any time, from anywhere.

  • User Profiles

    Users can create and customize their profiles, including personal information, preferred routes, and performance metrics. This feature enables easy access to favorite routes and encourages community engagement within the app.

  • Custom Route Optimization

    The app calculates and displays the most efficient and safe routes for cyclists based on user preferences and real-time data.

  • Enhanced UI/UX Design

    Our team skillfully designed a visually appealing and user-friendly interface with both light and dark themes, ensuring compatibility across a wide range of devices and demonstrating our expertise in User Interface (UI) design.




Ruby on RailsReactReact Native


Nov. 2020 à Févr. 2021