758 collectifs


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Where Founders build their narrative.

Koncierge • E-commerce & Shopify Specialists

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Sculpter votre e-commerce d'exception : stratégie, design & développement 💎


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→ Book online : https://shorturl.at/gkcHv


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Programmé pour l'innovation, conçu pour l'avenir informatique ! ©ChatGPT

Brunch ☕

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Growth & Brand


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Data team as a Service


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Experts en construction d'espace Notion & knowledge management

Fonction Labs

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Building the future of data for you

Brick Par Brick

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Le collectif pour e-commerçant au service de votre croissance


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Collectif de 3 développeurs fullstack (IA, React, Go, PHP, Mobile)

Half Square

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Bureau d'étude & Logiciel sur-mesure


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OverSkill : le mouton à 12 pattes dont vous rêvez


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Collectif expert dans le design, le marketing, et le développement, nous sommes spécialisés dans les MVPs et les refontes Web/Mobile

Café Crème

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Donnez vie à vos idées : Design & développement

Vendredi Society

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Digital Design Studio :
Connecter les marques qui vont vite à des audiences en mouvement. La force créative d’équipes entièrement sur-mesure.

Yalla Cooperative

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A flat-structure web design and development agency


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Du concept au code, nous aidons les startups, TPE et PME à donner vie à leurs idées de produit


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Une QA de qualité au service de la tech

Chiltren music therapy logo

Chiltren music therapy

ÉducationSanté, Pharmaceutique & BiotechÀ but non lucratifPetite entreprise

Website for those seeking therapeutic services

Illustrating the transformative impact of Music Therapy through a website that deepens target audiences understanding of the services provided.

Working with Yalla Coop has been such an amazing journey! They were fantastic in guiding us every step of the way throughout the process of defining and developing technical solutions for our therapists and beneficiaries, and the outcomes have exceeded all our expectations. Their expertise enabled us to navigate a rather new adventure with confidence and excitement. The combination of abilities and know-how within the whole team at Yalla Coop is truly extraordinary and they are also super friendly and a total pleasure to work with. Can't recommend enough!

Irene Lo Coco

Applied Music Tech, Research, Clinical Supervisor chez Chlitren music therapy

01 Where it all started

The project began with the challenge of limited public understanding of Music Therapy. The goal was to improve awareness through intuitive user flows, targeting specific audiences, and effectively communicating Chiltern's mission. Enhancing the website was also key for staff to disseminate information widely, crucial after the organization's digital transformation and rebranding.


02 Where we came in

Our partnership was continued with this new project and we outlined a 14-week programme including discovery and definition phases, site mapping, and prototyping before the website build.


03 What we delivered

1.0 UX Phase

we closely examined Chiltern's existing website, using insights gained to structure and landscape the new site. This involved identifying key goals and user personas, which informed the creation of diverse user stories to address the needs of different groups like donors, parents, schools, and hospitals. A site map was meticulously developed to provide a clear structural overview for both the design and development teams.

2.0 Design Phase

we combined creative research with findings from UX workshops to prototype the site. Key to this phase was usability testing, ensuring the site's intuitiveness, and collaborating on a CMS structure for easy content updates by Chiltern staff.

3.0 Development Phase

We used Webflow for its flexibility and CMS integration. Our focus was on enhancing the referral process with a secure enquiry form and integrating a booking system for events, using Eventbrite.

Overall, these efforts aimed to make Music Therapy more accessible and enhance Chiltern's community outreach and service effectiveness.



Javascript & TypescriptWebflowWeb Design