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Nifty Labs

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We deliver high-intensity software projects that need fast iteration. We support you in developing and building software products focused on solving complex workflows and business challenges.


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FullStack Software Development & AI Solutions

Damn Good Websites

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Websites done right.

jbk studio –––

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a product design company

NeuraLab | Data & IA

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Besoin d'une expertise IA pour votre projet ? Du use case à la mise en prod', nous vous accompagnons.

ABC Digital Touch

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Un growth marketing puissant !


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Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible


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Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et dirigeants de PME dans la transformation digitale depuis la stratégie jusqu'à l'exécution


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Mobile Factory

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Réalisation de projets Android & iOS Natif

Touche Pas à Mon Dev

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Créer une application c’est facile. Créer une application fonctionnelle, maintenable, et sur laquelle les prochains développeurs pourront prendre la main rapidement, c’est compliqué. Ça, c’est notre job.


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Mobile App Artist's Creators

Madskills | SEO

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Donnons à vos contenus la place qu’ils méritent !


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Nous vous proposons le meilleur pour vos data en utilisant les technologies les plus adaptées

Product Verse

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Let's shape the future of product



Landing page for corporate venturing fund

GoHub is the corporate venturing fund of Global Omnium, one of the world's top five water utilities.


The development of a library of components for all the company's projects was the emphasis while building these projects.


Client asked for 3 different projects to develop using a proprietary front-end library. Gohub venture's corporate and services website, built using Gatsby and featuring a custom UI using a proprietary frontend component library with ReactJS.

One of the projects, GLOBAL OMNIUM AUDITORIO, also incorporate Webflow to the main tech stack.

Developing a custom UI frontend library for GoHub Ventures presented several challenges, including ensuring the library was robust and flexible enough to be used across a variety of projects and applications, testing and debugging the library to ensure it was error-free and performed as intended.

Using Storybook we documented the custom UI frontend library and making it easy for developers to understand and use was an important aspect of the project to ensure that the GoHub Ventures team and other developers could use the library effectively.

  • Custom UI and frontend component library

    This aspect of the project would focus on the design and functionality of the user interface, including the use of a proprietary frontend component library with ReactJS.

  • Integration with third-party technologies

    This aspect of the project would involve integrating the website or product with other technologies or platforms, such as APIs or databases.

  • Responsive design

    This aspect of the project would focus on ensuring that the website looks and works well on a variety of different devices and screens.

  • Content management systems

    This aspect of the project might involve the development of custom content management systems (CMS) or other tools to allow non-technical users to easily update and manage the website.

  • Custom features and functionality

    This aspect of the project would focus on the development of custom features or functionality to meet specific business needs or goals.

  • Storybook documentation

    It can help developers understand how the different components of the library or application work and how they can be used.




Other CMSReactWebflow


Juin 2020 à Déc. 2020