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LLM RAG on GCP for a product subscription service

Development & deployment of LLM RAG system

Issue: The client is operating an interface for a physical product subscription service, with a user base distributed around the globe. They wanted to implement a journaling feature to the interface, which based on the users answers creates a digital clone in the backend.

Solution: The system was build with python, LangChain, chroma (vector db) and the openai API. It was deployed on multi-regional Cloud Functions and Cloud Run services on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). A dedicated service API was designed and used to integrate with legacy backend services as well as their Vue.js frontend. We also developed the Vue.js integration of the API.

The functionality of the service consisted of features such as:

  • user journal upload and vectorisation

  • user behavioural model creation

  • integration of ambient data like location, time, temperature, weather, etc

  • inference based on user model, journal entry, ambient data, for user interaction design (in the form of question asked to the users with the goal to build more precise user models related to their product preferences and subscriptions)

Duration: Two months.

Impact: The client was able to launch a cutting edge LLM RAG system with custom functionality and roll-out to their users.



Google Cloud PlatformPythonDevOps


Oct. 2023 à Nov. 2023