733 collectifs

Blue Birds

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Spécialistes Design Web, Graphisme, Référencement naturel (SEO) et Création de site internet ⚡️

5 missions réalisées avec Collective

Studio by Nath

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Bulldozer Collective

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Power Back to small Businesses

4 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Notre but ? Vous aider à toucher les bonnes personnes sur les réseaux sociaux.

4 missions réalisées avec Collective

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Mode & TextileCosmétique

Manage the filling of your customers' contracts

When your contracts are similar for your customers, you can easily do this automatically rather than copying and pasting the information.


When you work with many clients, there is a good chance that you will have your client sign a contract. In this case, you can either pay for a very advanced tool to manage the signing and filling by paying per user or you can manage the filling of your customer's information by hand. However, this copy and paste filling is error prone, time consuming and annoying for your employees.

Would it be better to only have to ask your customer to fill out a form? Now you can.


One of us has developed solutions to create and fulfill the client's contract. You don't have to copy and paste your customer's information anymore: he fills in a form and the new contract will be created accordingly.

To detail the operation, you must create a form with the essential information to fill the contract. In parallel, you define the document to use and the way to store your contracts. We now have the elements to set up your automation.

A first way to do it is to get the answers of the form on a Google Sheet. A Google Apps Script is then used to manage the creation of the new contract with the template, the filling of the information with the answers of the form and the sending of a confirmation email.

Another way is to use no-code tools to manage form responses. The form can be found on any of the platforms : Typeform / Jotform / Google Form / etc. Whether it's Zapier, Make, n8n, we can create an automation to handle the creation and filling of the new contract. The advantage is that you can easily receive the link to the new document on the platform of your choice, such as Slack.


Your employees will save precious minutes for each new customer and will avoid the tedious work of filling out the document. You will also be able to sign the contract more quickly with your customer.



Airtablen8nJavascript & Typescript


Juin 2022 à Juil. 2022