50 collectifs


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1 mission réalisée avec Collective

F Team

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1 mission réalisée avec Collective

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Services IT & ConsultingTech & SoftwareTélécommunicationsETI - Grande entreprise

Elevating Brand Presence Through Animation Design at papernest.com

Illustrations for papernest - housing contracts management

Demonstrating a high level of autonomy and creativity on a daily basis, Hugo's work ethic, adaptability and execution skills set him apart. On a professional level, Hugo is a tremendous asset to our team. Reliable, serious and rigorous, he combines a solid knowledge of business/strategic issues with great skills as a designer/web designer/video maker. Mature and professional, he's particularly quick to learn and improve his skills. Hugo also brings positive energy, infectious enthusiasm and great human qualities to our team. He's a real pleasure to work with every day! A gem that I recommend without hesitation ⭐️ Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Charlotte Marchal portrait

Charlotte Marchal

Head of Brand & Communication chez papernest

At papernest.com, I played a crucial role in the design team, where our focus was on simplifying the housing contracts management process. My responsibilities involved designing, adapting, and animating animations to effectively convey our brand, products, vision, and services while adhering closely to our brand guidelines.


The primary challenge I faced was creating animations that not only conveyed essential information but also captured the essence of our brand and its values. Our goal was to make our offerings easily understandable and engaging, fostering trust and reliability among our users.


1. Understanding Brand Identity: Before diving into animation design, I thoroughly studied our brand guidelines to grasp the essence of papernest.com's identity, including our brand colors, typography, tone of voice, and overall design philosophy.

2. Storyboarding and Conceptualization: Collaborating closely with the marketing and product teams, I conceptualized animations that aligned seamlessly with our messaging and goals. This involved creating detailed storyboards to map out the flow of each animation and ensure consistency with our brand narrative.

3. Design and Adaptation: Leveraging my expertise in animation design tools, I meticulously crafted visuals that reflected our brand's personality and values. From illustrating characters to designing interface elements, every aspect of the animation was tailored to resonate with our target audience.

4. Animation and Motion Design: Using industry-standard animation software, I brought our static designs to life through fluid motion and captivating transitions. Each animation was carefully choreographed to enhance the user experience and guide viewers through the intricacies of our products and services.


1. Enhanced Brand Visibility: By integrating animations into our marketing collateral and product presentations, we significantly enhanced our brand's visibility and recognition in the competitive housing contracts management market.

2. Improved User Engagement: The dynamic nature of our animations captivated our audience, resulting in increased user engagement and interaction with our platform. Users were more likely to explore our offerings and convert into loyal customers.

3. Streamlined Communication: Animations proved to be an effective tool for simplifying complex concepts and processes, enabling us to communicate with clarity and precision across various channels.

My experience at papernest.com involved not only designing and animating visuals but also shaping the narrative of our brand through compelling storytelling. By staying true to our brand guidelines and leveraging the power of animation, I succeeded in presenting papernest.com as a trusted partner in simplifying housing contract management for individuals and businesses alike.



Product Design - UX/UIMotion DesignGraphic Design


Sept. 2021 à Sept. 2022