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Nifty Labs

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We deliver high-intensity software projects that need fast iteration. We support you in developing and building software products focused on solving complex workflows and business challenges.


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Nous sommes un collectif d’experts en communication


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FullStack Software Development & AI Solutions

Damn Good Websites

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Websites done right.

jbk studio –––

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a product design company

NeuraLab | Data & IA

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Besoin d'une expertise IA pour votre projet ? Du use case à la mise en prod', nous vous accompagnons.

ABC Digital Touch

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Un growth marketing puissant !


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Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible


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Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et dirigeants de PME dans la transformation digitale depuis la stratégie jusqu'à l'exécution


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L'expertise logiciel qu'il vous faut pour dominer votre industrie

Mobile Factory

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Réalisation de projets Android & iOS Natif

Touche Pas à Mon Dev

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Créer une application c’est facile. Créer une application fonctionnelle, maintenable, et sur laquelle les prochains développeurs pourront prendre la main rapidement, c’est compliqué. Ça, c’est notre job.


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Mobile App Artist's Creators

Madskills | SEO

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Donnons à vos contenus la place qu’ils méritent !


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Nous vous proposons le meilleur pour vos data en utilisant les technologies les plus adaptées

Product Verse

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Let's shape the future of product


MédiasPetite entreprise

Webflow Landing page for newsletter search

Paved brings newsletter creators and brands together to create sponsorship campaigns that resonate with engaged audiences.

We developed a web application using on Webflow and ReactJS integration, with minimalistic but not faceless UI that is featured with a lot of micro-interaction and animations. At the core of the app is a search engine algorithm.

We collaborated with Paved to identify the problem the product aimed to solve and its potential impact on users, working from the MVP to the final product. The project features a comprehensive and updated style guide and design system, including typography, colors, illustrations, and form patterns, to create a user-friendly, simple, and secure experience.

Key components of the platform include a search engine using React, API integration for real-time delivery of newsletters based on geolocation and topics, React integration for complex features, real-time analytics, and a research-based design system built with Webflow and React that allows for swift prototyping, testing, and A/B testing.

  • Search engine

    We used React to integrate an algorithm based on search engine to work with hundreds of publications with verified stats

  • API Integration

    We integrated with their REST APIs, and Ruby on Rails backend to get the data with a rapid response.

  • React Integration

    For the more complicated features, such as the search engine, we add React components to a Webflow project.

  • Research, Design System

    Ready-to-use library of components for the new integration. Using variants and custom animations for their sales and landing. page.

  • Webflow Integration

    After laying the groundwork using Webfflow, we used React to implement the site's primary functionalities.




Ruby on RailsReactWebflow


Août 2021 à Sept. 2021