758 collectifs

Rocket dev

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Des apps rapides et solides


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Experts en CRO et AB Test, nous optimisons -> vous convertissez !


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Créez ce que vos clients vont aimer acheter


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n.f. : Qui cache de la finesse et de l’habileté sous un air de simplicité. - Stratégie . Identité visuelle . Site web . Ux / Ui design -


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Créez du contenu photo et vidéo avec TWIN PICS

L8L Développement web infiniment pertinent

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Développement de logiciels en ligne et d'applications/plateformes web avec de l'éco-responsabilité


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Le Trio de la Data

Bulldozer Data

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Votre data. Sur un plateau.


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Bridging business needs with technology

Les Artisans du Code Innovants

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Notre collectif de développeurs, Les Artisans du Code Innovants, est spécialisé dans la création de logiciels innovants et efficaces, qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients les plus exigeants


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Resilience is Bold.


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Bridging the gap between talent and opportunity

Opacity production - Collectif créatif

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Designing emotions

HR Studio

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Les ressources humaines comme pilier stratégique de votre entreprise


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Design, Migrate, Automate, Scale


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Enhancing Product Experience, Driving Growth


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transformer la raison d'être en solution


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Build the unknown


AutrePetite entreprise

Product Management / Design website + app / Tracking - GTM - RGPD

We leveraged our product management, design & analytics expertise to automate processes, redefine data models, and enhance user experiences. Using data analysis, we substantially increased online subscriptions and optimized marketing strategies, driving significant growth for the company.

At Zeway, we embarked on a transformative journey, merging our skills in product management, design, and data analysis to drive substantial results.

Our first undertaking was a complete redesign of Zeway.com. We challenged the existing website, streamlined the booking and subscription process, and reshaped the content for enhanced clarity. Utilizing Design Thinking workshops with C-level executives and department heads, we optimized all conversion funnels, increasing the conversion rate. We crafted the entire UX/UI of the new website, leading user tests to validate the efficiency of new contents and funnels.

Utilizing our data analysis skills, we implemented GTM tagging and used Google Analytics, Fullstory, and Fathom for marketing strategies. We ensured CNIL compliance and set up tracking for Freshsales, Chargebee, and GetAccept. We also optimized Facebook and Google Ads campaigns and enhanced SEO.

With the website's success, we turned our attention to optimizing backend operations. This included automating invoicing and billing processes, integrating Stripe card payment into our flow, and redesigning the data model to onboard fleet. The reimagining of the admin panel improved the UX/UI and boosted operational efficiency.

We managed the entire backlog, organized tickets into understandable Epics, and drafted a roadmap to ensure timely delivery. By leading both internal and external developers, we maintained a flexible Kanban that met deadlines while also addressing ongoing issues and new projects.

Our strategic approach saw online subscriptions rise from one per week to ten, and eventually, up to forty per day. Within ten months, our yearly subscriptions had increased from negative twenty-five to over 1100, demonstrating the effectiveness of our user-centric approach.

This harmonious blend of product management, design, and data analysis skills was instrumental in driving significant growth and success for Zeway.



Product ManagementProduct Design - UX/UIData analysis


Mai 2021 à Mai 2023