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Services Financiers

Quote to Cash Operations

Think RevOps presented to us a very robust & comprehensive assessment of the current state of our quote to cash. As well she shared & aligned the key stakeholders around a vision of what the end state could & should look like. Finally, they were also able to align us on most important topics to start with and get commitment from the different stakeholders involved.

Vincent T  portrait

Vincent T

Director Revenue Operations chez Spendesk

Some of the processes that were developed and put in place did not scale as fast as the organisation was growing, so they “broke” along the way which required structural review and revamp on a regular basis. This was notably the case for their Quote to Cash process which is the process from the moment a sales executive can quote to how finance can recognise the revenue. 


The challenges were across:

People : No single ownership of the processes and several gaps that were not covered by the teams concerned by the different steps of Q2C​ 


Process : Lack of clear process & governance which was causing mistakes & a lot of overwork to correct them


Data : Data discrepancies across the different systems of record & reporting


Technology : Lack of integration & automation between tools which created friction & errors in our system



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