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Comptabilité & JuridiqueServices IT & ConsultingAutrePME


Management system for CAE documents that is fully automated.


SGRed faced the challenge of automating the complex and time-consuming process of managing documentation for subcontracting. The app needed to be user-friendly, easily accessible, and able to handle a large volume of documents. It also needed to include features such as the ability to view the status of documentation, approve or reject jobs, allow or deny access to work centers using QR code, view a list of subcontracted workers and their assigned works and centers, and provide digital signature capabilities.


Our team chose to develop the app using React Native, which allowed them to create a single codebase that could be deployed to both the iOS and Android app stores. The backend of the app was developed using Ruby on Rails, which is known for its simplicity and ease of use. The team also contributed to the development of an open-source digital signature package, which helped to streamline the document signing process within the app.

  • Digital signature

    Allows users to sign documents electronically, reducing the need for physical signatures and improving the speed and accuracy of document processing.

  • Access control using QR code

    Allows users to grant or deny access to work centers using QR code technology.

  • Job approval and rejection

    Allows users to approve or reject jobs within the app

  • Documentation status

    Enables users to view the status of their documentation within the app.

  • Subcontracted worker list

    Provides a list of subcontracted workers and their assigned works and centers.

  • User-friendly interface

    Offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.

  • Secure and compliant

    Ensures that the app is secure and compliant with relevant regulations.




Javascript & TypescriptReact Native