757 collectifs


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Bringing bespoke AI / LLM capabilities to your business

Neo Stories

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Etudes utilisateurs, conseil en stratégie et branding


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Empowering data, unleashing potentials.


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Experts in Data Science building End-to-End AI solutions on the cloud

Copy House

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Le meilleur copywriting se fait en groupe, suite à de nombreuses relectures entre copywriters.


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Pas de description.


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Le code est notre ADN, l'innovation notre nature

MVP Rocket

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We build MVPs and data-oriented apps with strong graphic identity

Breakfast in America

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Sales led Growth for B2B SaaS -> We help you sign US Customers.

Sigmoon 🌕

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Turn your company into an experience

Digital Learning 4U

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Des professionnels de la formation digitale au service de votre transformation

Air et Marine

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Faire vite et bien !

MoBo Web Squad

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Empower Your Online Presence with MoBo - Your Web Squad


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Ce n'est pas la connaissance des experts métier qui va en production mais la compréhension des développeurs


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Votre vision + Notre expertise = un MVP imparable en moins de 30 jours ! Déjà 20 produits créés par nos designers seniors.


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Lancer de la pub, ça parait simple. Mais quels médias ? Sur quelles zones ? Avec quel ciblage ? C'est là qu'on intervient, pour vos donner toutes ces réponses.


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Build, ship, repeat


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Notre expertise, votre succès

Student Pop logo

Student Pop

RH & Future of workTech & SoftwarePME

Small jobs for every students

Student Pop offers motivated students the opportunity to find odd-jobs that match their profiles and schedules to finance their student life. With 35k active students, 4.8★ and 2.1k reviews on the App Store, Student Pop is the leader for connecting students with jobs in France. We are proud to be supporting Student Pop for the past 4 years. We covered multiple digital touchpoints : Student mobile app, lead generator, client interface and we are now working on their next home page ✨

Des génies de l’UX qui nous ont accompagnés sur des features super complexes... et tout devient plus simple quand on bosse avec les meilleurs. Une méthode efficace et une équipe sérieuse, impliquée, avec évidemment beaucoup de talent.

Mickaël Monsang portrait

Mickaël Monsang

CTO chez Student Pop

Check out this 2mins video which is a good summary of all our work with Student Pop

👉 Click here to see our tech demo video (Youtube)

To start, few KPIs

Our moto : always be super data-driven. Our objectives must be set. Here are our results avec a year beside the Student Pop super team ✨❤️

Be cool like Tinder. Professional like Linkedin.

We rethink the Student Pop app for iOS and Android with a focus on providing a frictionless experience. Our goal is to offer students easy access to thousands of small jobs on daily basis.

 In 2023, 10% of active French Students downloaded our app, giving 2.1k positive reviews with a 4.8★ on the App Store. It’s a game changer for French students and we're proud to make a real impact in their lives.

The best mobile app documentation

We designed 957 screens 🤯🤪🤓 How do we keep it kosher? A super comprehensive documentation system using tools like Notion, Overflow and Miro to streamline the design process. By carefully crafting complex yet easy-to-read flow diagrams, we ensured that each screen was designed with great attention to detail.

We make Student Pop a cash machine

Student Pop knows how to drive qualified leads to their website. We know how to turn each new visitor into a qualified lead. We built what we call a “lead generator” or a “lead magnet” 🧲⚡️ You can give it a try here.

👉 You can try Student Pop lead gen clicking on this link

We make it easy. I mean, super easy 😌

After we build an efficient lead generator, we worked on the client interface. The lead generator turned any visitor into a qualified lead. The client interface is the next step: Turn any qualified lead into a paying customer 💸

We turned Student Pop into a must-have.

The next and last step: Let’s kill the churn 🎸🤘

We've created a clean and user-friendly interface for making it easy for customers to repeat purchases. Our streamlined process simplifies the customer experience, allowing us to focus on delivering exceptional products and services that keep our customers coming back.

We are still working with Student Pop 💙

Our team is currently working on a redesign of their home page to give it a more modern look and feel.

Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on our progress and be the first to see the new design. We can't wait to share the results with you!



Stratégie ProduitProduct Design - UX/UIStratégie de marque


Mars 2022 à Janv. 2023