758 collectifs


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Nifty Labs

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We deliver high-intensity software projects that need fast iteration. We support you in developing and building software products focused on solving complex workflows and business challenges.


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📐On conçoit + 🧪On teste + 🔎On analyse = 🚀 Vous vendez


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Nous sommes un collectif d’experts en communication


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FullStack Software Development & AI Solutions

Damn Good Websites

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Websites done right.

jbk studio –––

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a product design company

NeuraLab | Data & IA

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Besoin d'une expertise IA pour votre projet ? Du use case à la mise en prod', nous vous accompagnons.

ABC Digital Touch

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Un growth marketing puissant !


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Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible


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Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et dirigeants de PME dans la transformation digitale depuis la stratégie jusqu'à l'exécution


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L'expertise logiciel qu'il vous faut pour dominer votre industrie

Mobile Factory

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Réalisation de projets Android & iOS Natif

Touche Pas à Mon Dev

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Créer une application c’est facile. Créer une application fonctionnelle, maintenable, et sur laquelle les prochains développeurs pourront prendre la main rapidement, c’est compliqué. Ça, c’est notre job.


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Mobile App Artist's Creators

Madskills | SEO

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Donnons à vos contenus la place qu’ils méritent !


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Nous vous proposons le meilleur pour vos data en utilisant les technologies les plus adaptées

Product Verse

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Let's shape the future of product

Hakkasan Group

Culture & LoisirsETI - Grande entreprise

Events management solution with ReactJS, AWS and Ruby on Rails

Powered a global leader in premium hospitality with technical system support and customized mobile app development.

Tao Hospitality Group and the Hakkasan Group is a global hospitality company with establishments across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Our collaboration focused on technical systems support.

Design & Development

Add, deploy and maintain features of the Tao Hospitality Group’s websites, Dashboards and Mobile applications

Long-Term Partnership

For over 8 years, we have partnered with the Hakkasan Group (part of Tao Hospitality Group) to provide a range of user-centered services using React, Angular and Ruby on Rails. Our close collaboration with the Sales and Business team has allowed us to gain valuable insights that bridged the gap between user needs and business objectives, ultimately enhancing the overall product value

Ticket scanning App

Our expertise in product research, information architecture, and event management has enabled us to deliver tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of their guests. We have designed and developed mobile applications for ticket scanning, using native wrappers for both iOS and Android, as well as serverless websites and services for the leading nightclub management company in Las Vegas.

Internal dashboards and Event ticket Platform

Following the acquisition of Hakkasan Group by Tao Hospitality Group, we have continued our support by integrating all brands and transitioning to ReactJS to remove Angular. Our services also leverage AWS for the best possible performance and scalability. Providing ongoing maintenance and feature upgrades to their internal and customer-facing offerings and utilizing cutting-edge serverless technologies for both web and mobile experiences, are also part of our ongoing work together.

Project Scope

User Research

Collaborated with Marketing and Sales team to discover valuable insights and ensure a flawless user experience based on business goals and customer data.

Product Research

Conducted deep research into user behavior to continually optimize the design and map out the next stages of development.

Information Architecture

We create information architecture as a standard element of our UX process. Much more than a sitemap, this process maps out every avenue and path that users follow via the app and/or website.

Event Management Dashboard

Developed functionality to manage guest lists, VIP reservations and event ticket sales

Mobile Applications

Built mobile applications for scanning event tickets, with native wrapper apps for iOS and Android.


Developed websites and serverless services for the biggest nightclub management company in Las Vegas.


Tech Stack: Angular, Ruby on Rails, ReactJS, AWS, Amplify, AppSync



Ruby on RailsReactAngular