758 collectifs


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We help you to build the right product for your users.


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Vos besoins, notre priorité


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Qlik Expert

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Pour vos projets Dataviz en un Qlik!


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Hicomy, le digital accessible à tous !

Happy App

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Nous réalisons votre application web et mobile sur mesure pour la performance de votre entreprise

Studio Khi

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Design & Web

Goat Review

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We develop scalable, robust applications to help you scale up your business with ROI in mind.


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Fort de notre longue collaboration en duo, nous réalisons votre application mobile, web app ou site web avec les derniers outils de design et de développement.


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Collectif digital


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Boostez votre stratégie d'acquiz en un éclair ⚡️

Rev Club

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Make business clear and intuitive


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Accélérateur de projets CRM Selligent Marketing Cloud


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Votre MVP a portée de main

🚀 Respo Team

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Envie de booster votre activité et vos ventes ? La Respo Team est là pour vous !


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Avec illicode, votre projet est entre de bonnes mains.


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Automatisation & Optimisation: Votre duo d'experts pour des process métier performants et une croissance accélérée.


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Des entrepreneurs dévoués à vos côtés sur vos sujets de levée de fonds, M&A et valorisation


AutreEntreprise Intermédiaire


The company growing fast, the design team needed a team lead in order to maximize output, update their routines and kickstart new projects, as the head of design was busy negotiating strategic topics with C-level management.

Sylvain is a pleasure to work with. When I hired him a few months ago, he immediately brought value to our design team with his in-depth domain knowledge not only of our market and industry, but also a tremendous amount of interaction design experience that helped our team improve their output quality and efficiency. Serving for a time as the team’s design delivery lead, Sylvain kept a pulse on the work of 4 other product designers, 3 of whom are senior level, and helped them deliver the right work at the right time in collaboration with product management and engineering stakeholders. Sylvain also successfully led a design system sprint, managing outcomes for this important piece of our design operations, as well as facilitated a few design sprints alongside other product squads to help them discover the right thing to build. He brought important improvements to our team rituals, improving how we do design reviews, how we do user interface grooming, and how to keep a team that’s partly embedded and partly centralised in sync. Above all, what I was most pleased with is that Sylvain did all this while working remotely for us 99% of the time. Always flexible and available to align to the team’s schedule and needs, I can only speak highly of Sylvain’s ability and acumen. I highly recommend him to any product team that needs a committed and engaged member that can inject immediate value.

Kevin-Jay Pohl

Head of Design chez TourRadar


I joined TourRadar (roughly 200 employees) as a senior designer in order to help the team (one head, 3 researchers, 4 UX-UIs) tackle a broad redesign project. I was quickly promoted to a position of lead designer, focusing on design standards and design routines while the head of design focused on stakeholder buy-in and HR related topics.


My goal was to support the team with delivering a new version of both the mobile and desktop sites. In addition to that, we also had to plan and conceptualize a vision design study in order to convince stakeholders to push for more resources during the next round of funding. Finally, a dedicated weekly time was secured in order to mentor the more junior members of the team.


We conducted 20+ interviews and user tests, leveraged eye-motion tracking and collected usage and business data to discover leads for improvements, both from strategy, content, usability and branding perspectives. From these, the researchers and I derived a new user journey map and a detailed decision making process (why and how to go on holidays/tours). To make sense of these learnings and come up with original and elegant solutions, I personally ran two week-long design sprints with management, marketing and tech members.

Upon delivering vision designs, and step-by-step design implementations in order to progress towards these visions, we decided to create a brand new design system for our products, replacing the small design library that was used and modified up to that point. We set up a thorough A/B testing roadmap in order to ensure that every step was a definite improvement over the last one.

With the implementation of this new project, the company saw an improvement in all critical metrics (SEO rankings, pages visited, conversion rate optimization, drop in customer service contacts...) and enabled the company to survive and recover quickly from the Covid pandemic.

I took the efforts of catching up on design legacy to the next level, doing the groundwork for a healthy design system and focusing on creating a model to measure its impact on our business before onboarding our leaders on the project.

Organisation-wise, I implemented weekly design reviews and project retrospectives, in order to step up the team’s output quality.



User ResearchProduct Design - UX/UIStratégie de contenu


Août 2019 à Févr. 2020