794 collectifs

Les Artisans du Code Innovants

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Notre collectif de développeurs, Les Artisans du Code Innovants, est spécialisé dans la création de logiciels innovants et efficaces, qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients les plus exigeants


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Resilience is Bold.


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Le duo Designer & Développeur à la rescousse de votre entreprise 👀


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Bridging the gap between talent and opportunity

Opacity production - Collectif créatif

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Designing emotions

HR Studio

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Les ressources humaines comme pilier stratégique de votre entreprise


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Design, Migrate, Automate, Scale


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Enhancing Product Experience, Driving Growth


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transformer la raison d'être en solution


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Build the unknown

Juice Factory

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Donnez vie à vos idées avec des concepts juteux ! Optimisation de site. Production de contenus à haut potentiel de conversion. Stratégie d’acquisition de vos futurs clients.


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Une équipe composée d'un développeur Fullstack, d'un UI/UX Designer et d'un directeur artistique, graphic et motion designer.


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sacrem.studio is a designer duo that focuses on visual communication.

The Top 1%

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#websitedesign #facebookads #googleads #appdevelopment #Instagramgrowth

Une équipe de choc 🍫

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3x20 ans d'xp à votre service : Un projet d'application web qui réussit !

Pat & Co

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Ex founders now freelancers - helping you on product and strategy

Identité visuelle et stratégie éditoriale

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Votre projet, vos valeurs, en mots et en images.

Law for good

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Sustainable compliance



Turo Account Setup

Help people setup their car and make money from Turo

Toby helped us bring together the idea and set us up


Founder chez PAXO

Client: Michael, a busy professional with a rarely used car.

Challenge: Michael wanted to generate passive income by renting out his car on Turo, but felt overwhelmed by the process of creating a listing, setting competitive rates, and managing bookings.

Solution: Michael partnered with TuroLaunch, a full-service agency specializing in Turo account setup and management.

TuroLaunch Services:

  • Expert Account Creation: TuroLaunch guided Michael through the Turo sign-up process, ensuring accurate vehicle information, high-quality photos, and a compelling listing description.

  • Competitive Pricing Strategy: TuroLaunch analyzed market data and competitor listings to recommend optimal pricing for Michael's car, maximizing his earning potential while attracting renters.

  • 24/7 Guest Support: TuroLaunch provided Michael with peace of mind by handling all guest communication, booking confirmations, and rental inquiries.

  • Seamless Trip Management: TuroLaunch coordinated trip logistics, including scheduling contactless vehicle pickups and drop-offs, ensuring a smooth experience for both Michael and his renters.


  • Increased Income: Within the first month of partnering with TuroLaunch, Michael's car generated $800 in rental income, exceeding his initial expectations.

  • Time Saved: TuroLaunch's management services freed up Michael's valuable time, allowing him to focus on his career without worrying about Turo logistics.

  • Stress-Free Experience: With TuroLaunch handling all guest interactions and trip management, Michael enjoyed a stress-free rental experience.

  • Superhost Status: Michael's commitment to providing exceptional service, facilitated by TuroLaunch, led him to achieve Superhost status on Turo within 3 months.

Key Takeaways:

  • Using a Turo account setup and management service can significantly simplify the car-sharing process.

  • Expert pricing strategies can maximize rental income while remaining competitive in the market.

  • Delegating guest communication and trip management allows hosts to focus on other priorities.

  • Achieving Superhost status unlocks benefits for both hosts and renters on Turo.



WebflowDesign web


Nov. 2023 à Déc. 2023