794 collectifs

Les Artisans du Code Innovants

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Notre collectif de développeurs, Les Artisans du Code Innovants, est spécialisé dans la création de logiciels innovants et efficaces, qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients les plus exigeants


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Resilience is Bold.


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Le duo Designer & Développeur à la rescousse de votre entreprise 👀


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Bridging the gap between talent and opportunity

Opacity production - Collectif créatif

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Designing emotions

HR Studio

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Les ressources humaines comme pilier stratégique de votre entreprise


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Design, Migrate, Automate, Scale


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Enhancing Product Experience, Driving Growth


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transformer la raison d'être en solution


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Build the unknown

Juice Factory

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Donnez vie à vos idées avec des concepts juteux ! Optimisation de site. Production de contenus à haut potentiel de conversion. Stratégie d’acquisition de vos futurs clients.


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Une équipe composée d'un développeur Fullstack, d'un UI/UX Designer et d'un directeur artistique, graphic et motion designer.


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sacrem.studio is a designer duo that focuses on visual communication.

The Top 1%

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#websitedesign #facebookads #googleads #appdevelopment #Instagramgrowth

Une équipe de choc 🍫

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3x20 ans d'xp à votre service : Un projet d'application web qui réussit !

Pat & Co

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Ex founders now freelancers - helping you on product and strategy

Identité visuelle et stratégie éditoriale

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Votre projet, vos valeurs, en mots et en images.

Law for good

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Sustainable compliance


MédiasPetite entreprise


A video explainer Agency

Toby went above and beyond for us I can't thank him enough


Founder chez Vivify

Client: Fitness on the Fly, a mobile app offering on-demand fitness classes for busy professionals.

Challenge: Fitness on the Fly had a well-designed app, but their download rate was stagnant. They struggled to communicate the app's unique value proposition and features to potential users. Traditional marketing methods weren't effectively reaching their target audience.

Solution: We partnered with Fitness on the Fly to create a captivating video explainer. Here's what made it a success:

  • Compelling Narrative: The video opened with a relatable scenario – a busy professional struggling to find time for exercise. The narrative then transitioned seamlessly to how Fitness on the Fly offers a convenient and effective solution.

  • Visually Engaging Animation: We used dynamic animation to showcase the app's features and user interface in a clear and engaging way.

  • Targeted Messaging: The script focused on the specific pain points of busy professionals, highlighting the app's time-saving benefits and variety of workout options.

  • Strong Call to Action: The video concluded with a clear call to action, encouraging viewers to download the Fitness on the Fly app.


  • Download Surge: Within a month of launching the explainer video on their website and social media platforms, Fitness on the Fly saw a 75% increase in app downloads.

  • Improved Brand Awareness: The video's clear messaging helped viewers understand the app's value proposition, leading to increased brand awareness and recognition.

  • Positive User Reviews: App store reviews became more positive, with users praising the app's convenience and effectiveness.

Key Takeaways:

  • Video explainers can be a powerful tool for communicating complex concepts in a clear and engaging way.

  • A compelling narrative and targeted messaging are crucial for resonating with your audience.

  • High-quality animation enhances viewer engagement and retention.

  • A clear call to action is essential for driving desired user behavior.



WebflowDesign web


Juin 2022 à Juil. 2022