756 collectifs


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Nifty Labs

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We deliver high-intensity software projects that need fast iteration. We support you in developing and building software products focused on solving complex workflows and business challenges.


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📐On conçoit + 🧪On teste + 🔎On analyse = 🚀 Vous vendez


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Nous sommes un collectif d’experts en communication


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FullStack Software Development & AI Solutions

Damn Good Websites

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Websites done right.

jbk studio –––

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a product design company

NeuraLab | Data & IA

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Besoin d'une expertise IA pour votre projet ? Du use case à la mise en prod', nous vous accompagnons.

ABC Digital Touch

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Un growth marketing puissant !


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Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible


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Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et dirigeants de PME dans la transformation digitale depuis la stratégie jusqu'à l'exécution


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L'expertise logiciel qu'il vous faut pour dominer votre industrie

Mobile Factory

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Réalisation de projets Android & iOS Natif

Touche Pas à Mon Dev

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Créer une application c’est facile. Créer une application fonctionnelle, maintenable, et sur laquelle les prochains développeurs pourront prendre la main rapidement, c’est compliqué. Ça, c’est notre job.


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Mobile App Artist's Creators

Madskills | SEO

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Donnons à vos contenus la place qu’ils méritent !


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Nous vous proposons le meilleur pour vos data en utilisant les technologies les plus adaptées

Product Verse

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Let's shape the future of product



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FullStack Software Development & AI Solutions

Notre travail (8)


Ruby on RailsReactJavascript & Typescript

AI-Powered Platform for Curating ESG Articles and Topics.

Hakkasan Group

Ruby on RailsReactAngular

Events management solution with ReactJS, AWS and Ruby on Rails


ReactJavascript & TypescriptWeb Design

Multi-Panel Software Solution, Empowering Connectivity

Nos membres (4)

Marina Camacho

Full-stack developer

Osledy Bazó

Full-stack developer

Jordi B

Full-stack developer

Nos services (8)

Web Development

We design your application from requirements definition to production deployment, including frontend and backend implementation.

Integration of ML models

Seamlessly integrate and deploy machine learning models into your applications, From OpenAI, Hugging Face, Azure, AWS. Deliver automation that elevates the user experience.

Mobile Development

Mobile applications with integrations such as Geolocation, Maps, Payments, QR Codes, API integrations, custom apps etc.

Ce qui nous rend unique

Our engagement solutions

We use our expertise to provide you with a wonderful experience thanks to many years on the market and a high amount of successful projects.

Fully set up to work around the world

We’re well managing both the time zone difference and the cultural fit, so our partners don’t feel the distance.

Dedicated Team

We assemble a team of project manager, designers, developers based on your requirements. Likewise, we do few things well. We've never outsourced our services and have always focused on specialized sectors. We value honesty and in-house know-how. When customers give us a project, they know it will be produced and managed internally with privacy.

Flexible collaboration

We can adapt to your specific requirements and keep up with the rapidly evolving nature of both the project's scope and the underlying technological infrastructure.

Effective communication

We keep each other updated on the status of our initiatives and partnerships and are always prepared to brainstorm effective solutions.

Crystal clear processes

We’re like an open book, so our partners always know what is going on at our end and what’s coming next.

Subscribe to a Software Development & Design Team

We will build a team that meets your exact requirements. You can choose the professionals you need and the number of monthly hours, and we will provide you with the best fixed monthly price.

4 membres