758 collectifs


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Nifty Labs

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We deliver high-intensity software projects that need fast iteration. We support you in developing and building software products focused on solving complex workflows and business challenges.


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📐On conçoit + 🧪On teste + 🔎On analyse = 🚀 Vous vendez


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Nous sommes un collectif d’experts en communication


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FullStack Software Development & AI Solutions

Damn Good Websites

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Websites done right.

jbk studio –––

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a product design company

NeuraLab | Data & IA

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Besoin d'une expertise IA pour votre projet ? Du use case à la mise en prod', nous vous accompagnons.

ABC Digital Touch

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Un growth marketing puissant !


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Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible


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Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et dirigeants de PME dans la transformation digitale depuis la stratégie jusqu'à l'exécution


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L'expertise logiciel qu'il vous faut pour dominer votre industrie

Mobile Factory

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Réalisation de projets Android & iOS Natif

Touche Pas à Mon Dev

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Créer une application c’est facile. Créer une application fonctionnelle, maintenable, et sur laquelle les prochains développeurs pourront prendre la main rapidement, c’est compliqué. Ça, c’est notre job.


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Mobile App Artist's Creators

Madskills | SEO

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Donnons à vos contenus la place qu’ils méritent !


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Nous vous proposons le meilleur pour vos data en utilisant les technologies les plus adaptées

Product Verse

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Let's shape the future of product

Nifty Labs


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Nifty Labs

We deliver high-intensity software projects that need fast iteration. We support you in developing and building software products focused on solving complex workflows and business challenges.

Notre travail (6)


Javascript & Typescript

Web CMS for upskilling programs


ReactJavascript & Typescript

Frontend Development for a CRM interface

Nifty Learning

ReactNodeJavascript & Typescript

Full-Product Development for a Learning Management System

Nos membres (3)

Victor Bojica

Software Engineer

Bogdan Carpusor

Software Engineer

Cristian Niamtu

Product Manager

Nos services (4)

Javascript Full-Stack Development for B2B SaaS/ Enterprise SaaS

We can support you with a full-stack development team expert in JS-based tech stacks in developing B2B SaaS platforms. (JS, TS, Node, Nest, React, Redux, etc.)

UI/UX Redesign & Frontend Development

We can help you deliver a complete revamp of your software platform and build new interfaces and product experiences that engage your users. (UX/UI design, product design, React, Redux, Figma, etc.)

Full-Product Development & Design from scratch

We can help you start building a product based on just an idea written on a napkin. We delivered various products for both corporate innovation groups and fast-growing startups from Techstars & YC.

Ce qui nous rend unique

We have deep expertise in delivering and building new software products from scratch or taking over already-developed projects.

Working with fast-growing startups (from Y Combinator, Techstars, and VC-backend), we've built a consistent process and track record for building new software platforms and iterating the products as fast as possible.

Also, we've built workflow software products for enterprise customers that helped them:

  • enter new markets and drive revenue;

  • create new business lines enabled by software;

  • be more efficient internally and automate operational and admin activities that were tedious and labor-intensive;

Our team has delivered over 30 software products for startups and enterprise customers such as Microsoft, eMAG, Nifty Learning, Laserfocus, eCAD, BAT, Roche, Pfizer, TUI Group, Banca Transilvania, etc.

3 membres