758 collectifs


A propos

We help you to build the right product for your users.


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Vos besoins, notre priorité


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Sans accro

Qlik Expert

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Pour vos projets Dataviz en un Qlik!


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Hicomy, le digital accessible à tous !

Happy App

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Nous réalisons votre application web et mobile sur mesure pour la performance de votre entreprise

Studio Khi

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Design & Web

Goat Review

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We develop scalable, robust applications to help you scale up your business with ROI in mind.


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Fort de notre longue collaboration en duo, nous réalisons votre application mobile, web app ou site web avec les derniers outils de design et de développement.


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Collectif digital


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Boostez votre stratégie d'acquiz en un éclair ⚡️

Rev Club

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Make business clear and intuitive


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Accélérateur de projets CRM Selligent Marketing Cloud


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Votre MVP a portée de main

🚀 Respo Team

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Envie de booster votre activité et vos ventes ? La Respo Team est là pour vous !


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Avec illicode, votre projet est entre de bonnes mains.


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Automatisation & Optimisation: Votre duo d'experts pour des process métier performants et une croissance accélérée.


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Des entrepreneurs dévoués à vos côtés sur vos sujets de levée de fonds, M&A et valorisation



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We help you to build the right product for your users.

Notre travail (5)


Stratégie ProduitProduct ManagementProduct Design - UX/UI

Product design & strategy


Product Design - UX/UI

Build Qonto's design system


Product MarketingIdentité visuelleSocial Ads


Nos membres (4)

Nemo Fazakerley

Product designer

Hanna Anthony

UX writer


Product designer

Nos services (8)

Mentorship & upskilling

We enhance the skills you need to master product design. We share our expertise to guide and support your team members in their professional growth.

Design system

We help you to build a design system, which includes a set of guidelines, standards, and reusable components, to ensure consistency and scalability across your product.

Product design

We can answer the problem you're facing by building new user flows or features that will perfectly fit in your product and match your user's needs.

Ce qui nous rend unique

As a collective, we often work together and we have a similar background:

  • 5-10 experience in Product design and UX writing (Qonto, agencies...)

  • Complementary expertise (Product designer <> UX writer <> Illustrator)

  • Experience in startups, agencies and fast-paced environments

  • Knowledge of Lean Management

What we stand for:

  1. Rationale: our approach is scientific. Our decisions are backed by data and facts.

  2. Right first time: we do our best to make you save time and ressources by delivering the right solution.

  3. Put user first: our approach is user-centric, we build the best experiences possible by putting ourselves in the user's shoes.

4 membres