757 collectifs

Juice Factory

A propos

Donnez vie à vos idées avec des concepts juteux ! Optimisation de site. Production de contenus à haut potentiel de conversion. Stratégie d’acquisition de vos futurs clients.


A propos

Une équipe composée d'un développeur Fullstack, d'un UI/UX Designer et d'un directeur artistique, graphic et motion designer.


A propos

sacrem.studio is a designer duo that focuses on visual communication.

Une équipe de choc 🍫

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3x20 ans d'xp à votre service : Un projet d'application web qui réussit !

Pat & Co

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Ex founders now freelancers - helping you on product and strategy

Identité visuelle et stratégie éditoriale

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Votre projet, vos valeurs, en mots et en images.

Law for good

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Sustainable compliance


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Faites évoluer votre entreprise avec notre expertise tech.

Bulldozer SEO

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On fait passer votre SEO à la vitesse supérieure.

Kawa Studio

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We build your products with ❤️ & ☕


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Du concept au code, c'est du CodeCraft.


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Développez votre marque via le Branding et le Storytelling afin d’accroître votre notoriété et votre CA 🚀

Mathieu PL

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Pas de description.


A propos

Comprenez ce qui séduit vos cibles & vos clients. Collectif Market research, social listening & consumer insights

Collectif Nocode - Bubble | Weweb | Xano | Supabase

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Collectif d'experts certifiés Bubble, Weweb, Xano et Supabase ! Nous concevons tous vos projets sur mesure 🚀

LZ associés

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Notion Collective

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Notion Collective est une équipe d'experts Notion. Spécialisés dans l'aménagement d'espaces Notion et la création d'automatisations personnalisées.

The Wildest Collective

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Creative misfits



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sacrem.studio is a designer duo that focuses on visual communication.

Notre travail (6)

Uainot Mountain Shop

ShopifyWeb DesignGraphic Design

Uainot Mountain Shop

Alphabeta Edizioni

WordpressProduct Design - UX/UIWeb Design

Alphabeta Edizioni


WordpressProduct Design - UX/UIWeb Design

Base Milano

Nos membres (2)

Tommaso Ferraro

Graphic & Motion Designer | Founder

Vittorio Bonfatti

Graphic & Web Designer | Founder

Nos services (4)

Brand Identity

Graphic design for corporate or product/service identity – logos, icons, typefaces, tone of voice, and coordinating elements that reinforce brand values and messages.

UI/UX and Web Design

Prototyping of the user interface, browsing experience, optimisation of compatibility with various devices of software and apps, and implementation of websites and ecommerce.

Motion Graphics

Production of animations combining graphics, text, sound and images to create a dynamic and engaging visual experience.

Ce qui nous rend unique

For us, the primary focus is always the design method. No matter how big or small, we approach each project as a puzzle to be solved. And every project is different, which is why the first step is always to identify a framework. We collaborate closely with our partners to understand their communication needs, i.e. the foundation on which to base the project.

We analyse the market, the competition, the target group and sector trends to understand the context. We define communication objectives clearly and specifically to help guide the design process. When the foundations are solid and shared, going into detail and building becomes an organic operation.

We develop the strategy using the data collected and the objectives determined. We pay particular attention to the choice of key messages, the selection of communication channels, and the consistency of the visual identity. Finally, we evaluate and review the designed solutions with our clients to ensure they are effective in meeting the communication objectives.

2 membres