756 collectifs


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On crée votre landing page en 3 jours.

DICE Studio

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Design · Innovation · Conseil · Expertise

Chrome Extension Experts

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We're building your Chrome, Firefox and Safari web extension.


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Les Sciences Humaines et Sociales au service de votre activité


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De la stratégie à l’implémentation, le collectif Business ops full stack pour accompagner votre entreprise sur tous les enjeux de sa croissance


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Experts GTM Enterprise


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Le Collectif UX

Bird and Human

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Faites de vos valeurs, des valeurs perçues !


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Boostez votre business avec des Extensions Chrome sur-mesure et des automatisations personnalisées.

Share Collective

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Sales & Marketing Go-to-Market 🇫🇷 / 🇺🇸

Fada Collectif

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Du talent à l'état pur, de la folie bien dosée

Workplace communication

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La communication 100% future of work !


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💻 Votre imagination, notre réalisation.

Smooth Code

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Codeur de SaaS de qualité: React, Node & GraphQL à votre service! ✨

Adrien STIVER | Consultant SEO

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Consultant SEO | Je vous accompagne de A à Z pour vous faire ranker. 📈


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Be data driven

Limbo Studio

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CTOs as a service


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Un collectif d'experts qui vous accompagne de A à Z dans la création et production de contenus vidéos.

Share Collective


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Share Collective

Sales & Marketing Go-to-Market 🇫🇷 / 🇺🇸

Notre travail (2)


Lead GenerationStratégie SalesEmailing

Share <> Societe.com: launching outbound B2B activity as co-head of Sales


Lead GenerationStratégie SalesEmailing

Share <> Getinside: building a sales team from scratch

Nos membres (2)

Nicolas Piquet-Gauthier

Growth-Marketing Lead

Léo Courbon

Sales Lead

Nos services (7)

Strategy and market segmentation

We start from your TAM and rank top market segments to tackle. We focus on a very limited number (mostly 1 by 1) to either validate + accelerate or drop + build learnings

Growth Marketing

Leverage digital channels to drive sales & revenue

Lead Generation

Providing a clean list of leads (company, contact, mail, phone number) from the selected markets, directly integrated within your CRM

Ce qui nous rend unique

Our tribe (🇫🇷 / 🇺🇸 / 🇪🇸) helps companies accelerate growth and reduce time-to-fail.

Snapshot of our Manifesto 🐒

Mission 🔭

• Supporting mission-driven companies
• Dedicated to ambitious and collaborative teams
• We love delivering beautiful product onto high-potential markets

Method 🔎
• Always start from problems. Turn them into OKR plan and solve them one by one

• Laser focus = 1 north-star KPI at a time. Once goal is achieved, jump onto the next
• Start small. Do things that don't scale with creativity & focus. Once validated, scale fast

Growth success recipe = Science x Art
• Science = Funnel obsession, data-driven analytics, streamlined process
• Art = mastering value prop, client-facing posture, creativity
• Product <> Sales are part of one team. Foster deep collaboration

Collaboration 🤝
• We merge into company daily routine (Slack, Notion, Drive) to foster high reactivity and get a crisp understanding of challenges
• Mix of asynchrone (written Slack communication, Notion playbook, Strategy doc, weekly reporting) and synchrone (pairing sessions & training, sales meeting, team animation)

• We like it both ambitious and fun to keep up high energy & motivation

2 membres