790 collectifs

Medical Franslators

A propos

Because we care


A propos

Nous sommes un collectif créatif 360° qui façonne la culture visuelle et contemporaine par le biais de la technologie. Guidés par une approche à la fois expérimentale et stratégique, axée sur les performances, nous prenons en charge des projets depuis leur conception jusqu'à leur lancement et au-delà.

collab 3.6.0

A propos

Le trio qui vous démarque.


A propos

Nous accompagnons les Startups dans le développement d'applicatifs web - SaaS, CRMs, plateformes- robustes et scalables


A propos

Rendre iconique votre communication


A propos

Shape your product-driven company & elevate your business to the next level

DB Studio

A propos

Pas de description.


A propos

Prêts à secouer votre communication ?


A propos


Althing Web

A propos

Des sites WordPress rapides, sur-mesures et éco-conçus, connectés à CiviCRM ou à tout autre service tiers dont vous avez besoin !

Com 360 (Besançon)

A propos

Vos partenaires pour une communication à 360°


A propos

Entrez dans la magie du design

HackYourJob Community

A propos

L'association des développeuses et des développeurs freelance épanouis


A propos

sharper together — Stratégie, Marque, Naming, Communication, Social

Français en [langue]

A propos

Traductions du français en allemand, italien et/ou anglais.

esprit collectif

A propos

Nous sommes un collectif d’entrepreneurs et designers convaincus que l'intelligence collective et le design doivent accélérer la transition écologique. www.espritcollectif.fr


A propos

Swiss Army Software Engineering

Formatrices et formateurs HackYourJob

A propos

Construction et animation de formations pour les professionnels de l'IT, par des faiseurs freelances ou assimilés, sur des hard skills et soft skills. Coaching, audit et conseil.

Medical Franslators


Utilisez pour naviguer

Medical Franslators

Because we care

Notre travail (2)

Droit au corps


Translation of a testimony

Light for the world


Translation of a global report

Nos membres (3)

Adeline Caillault

Translator & Project Manager


Translator & Project Manager

Valentine Elleau


Nos services (2)


Translating medical documents from English, German and Spanish into French.


For communicating with French-speaking audiences

Ce qui nous rend unique

Medical Franslators is a French-speaking medical translation and localisation collective.


Work in health or wellbeing and need content translating into French…

Work in the medical field and want to enter French-speaking markets…

Have developed innovative medtech and want to spread the word…

Need French documentation to meet regulatory requirements…

Need to facilitate communication between your international offices…

Are passionate about improving global access to health education…

Want to contribute to information exchange within the scientific community…

Want to communicate clearly and naturally with French-speaking audiences…

Then you’re in the right place!

We are five professional translators specialising in life sciences who have joined forces to offer our clients high-quality language services.

We can support you at every stage of your intercultural project with:

• Translation

• Localisation

• Transcreation

• Linguistic validation

• Transcription, subtitling

• Inclusive copywriting


• Glossary and style guide creation and management

• Consultancy for communicating with French-speaking audiences

From English, German and Spanish into French.

We can take care of your written and audiovisual materials for both general and specialist audiences. We can answer your questions about launching on French-speaking markets, and know everything there is to know about regulatory documentation, technical documentation and research materials, as well as documents for patients and the general public. We are also able to handle your internal communications and training materials. Count on us to showcase your innovations and let your company shine!

Quality and clarity are our DNA. We know the importance of scientific rigour, using the correct terminology, complying with regulatory requirements, and respecting your brief. And confidentiality is a given: we take all the necessary measures to ensure your sensitive data is kept safe.

Because we care.

3 membres