756 collectifs

Com 360 (Besançon)

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Vos partenaires pour une communication à 360°


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Entrez dans la magie du design

HackYourJob Community

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L'association des développeuses et des développeurs freelance épanouis


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sharper together — Stratégie, Marque, Naming, Communication, Social

Français en [langue]

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Traductions du français en allemand, italien et/ou anglais.

esprit collectif

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Nous sommes un collectif d’entrepreneurs et designers convaincus que l'intelligence collective et le design doivent accélérer la transition écologique. www.espritcollectif.fr


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Swiss Army Software Engineering

Formatrices et formateurs HackYourJob

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Construction et animation de formations pour les professionnels de l'IT, par des faiseurs freelances ou assimilés, sur des hard skills et soft skills. Coaching, audit et conseil.

Corporate Voices

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Le collectif qui vous aide à construire et alimenter votre stratégie pour servir votre marque corporate.


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BeBranded vous accompagne dans la création de votre site internet et l'automatisation de vos process


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Nous donnons à votre start-up un air de licorne


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Collaborative Commerce: combining Automation and Generative AI


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Designing the obvious


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Le collectif spécialisé pour vos projets énergétiques.

LinkingBrand Digital Factory

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+20% de ROI Digital. Grâce à 100 experts digitaux & aux méthodes des Digital Factory

La Lucarne

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L'agence qui vous accompagne dans vos projets web

Updev Solutions

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Booster votre productivité avec l'IA .

Eiffel Intel

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We bridge the gap between your tech & your business



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Swiss Army Software Engineering

Notre travail (2)


Google Cloud PlatformNestNode

Improving Data Import Efficiency



Core and web app tech tool engineering

Nos membres (2)

Émile Ré

Fullstack Software Engineer

Bryan Frimin

Backend & Infra Software Engineer

Nos services (8)

MVP Launch

Transform your idea into a live web application. Get help at any stage: user stories, application development, application deployment.

Application Scalability

Identify performance issues at the root and start at the infrastructure side of the application. Fix it and advise on scalability. Include in existing monitoring and alerting system.

Technical Recruitment

Identify current and future needed positions. Build hiring strategy/process. Carry on interviews and assessments and advise the decision committee.

Ce qui nous rend unique

We are two seasoned software engineers with a decade of experience each, having served as tech leads and founding members of a Y Combinator-backed company. Throughout our careers, we've supported startups from their early stages to Series X funding rounds, aiding in the growth of their tech teams.

🤓 Efficient Programming

Pragmatism and problem-solving are at the core of our values. Our solutions prioritize maintainability and scalability, leveraging our deep expertise in software engineering to deliver maximum value efficiently.

🛠️ Skills

Our skills cover a wide range, from infrastructure (AWS, Terraform, GCP, bare metal) and backend development (Golang, Node.js, Ruby, Elixir, Erlang, SQL, performance optimization) to frontend technologies (TypeScript, React, performance tuning, SEO). With experience in early-stage SaaS startups, we are adept at product management and offer adaptable solutions tailored to your needs.

🤝 Team Management

We ensure a seamless transition at project completion, emphasizing team efficiency and continuity. Continuous communication and support enable your team to build upon our work effortlessly. Additionally, we provide insights and assistance in recruitment efforts to augment your team as necessary.

2 membres