722 collectifs

Collectif Zeste !

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La recette premium pour dynamiser vos contenus Web ! 💥 Rédaction web | SEO | Storytelling | Copywriting

4 missions réalisées avec Collective

Leverage | Growth Collective

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Collectif d'experts en Growth pour entreprises ambitieuses. Transparence, efficacité et performance.

4 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Votre partenaire Airtable & automatisation.

4 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Les visagistes du web

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Growth Advisors.

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Générez de nouvelles opportunités grâce à l'outbound marketing !

3 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Un collectif de professionnels passionnés pour des vidéos créatives et impactantes !

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

We Are Motion

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Le collectif spécialisé dans la production de motion design 🚀.

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Collectif 201

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Parce qu'on ne peut jamais être deux sans un.

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Ahoy !

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Un archipel de profils créatifs et techniques qui mutualisent leurs talents et leurs expertises pour vous offrir LE site web dont vous rêvez.

3 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Intelligence Applicative ✨ Transcription & Synthèse

3 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Éclairer, innover, transformer - Product, Design et Data

3 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Mettez un coup de baguette 🪄 dans vos data ! 🧙

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Collectif Wild & Web

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Création de sites internet, référencement, refontes

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Koojira Studio

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Passez de 0 à 1. Une team d'experts pour créer votre MVP et le faire évoluer.

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Votre équipe rédaction web

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Collaborons pour des articles visibles et de qualité

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Ventures Collective

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Support sur ta levée de fonds de A à Z

3 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Graphisme, Web & Community Management

3 missions réalisées avec Collective


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Besoin d'une voix off, d'un film, d'un contenu éditorial ? Notre dream team est prête à concocter vos plus belles créations audio & audiovisuelles

3 missions réalisées avec Collective

Fincome logo


Services IT & ConsultingTPE

How we helped Fincome reach the 10K€ MRR millestone

We went the extra mile to achieve it, testing and launching growth strategies at scale.

Leverage and Tony worked incredibly hard to help us achieve this milestone with precision and perseverance.

Vincent Gouédard portrait

Vincent Gouédard

CEO chez Fincome

👀 The Company

Fincome is an advanced subscription analytics platform for growing SaaS businesses. Their goal is to support SaaS growth in real time with a comprehensive, connected dashboard.

🤝 The Context

After raising funding, they wanted to double their sales to reach €10,000 in monthly recurring revenue. To achieve this, they needed an automated, ultra-personalized outbound, qualified and enriched database, including mobile phone numbers and professional emails.

💪 Our 4-step approach

1 · Define the TAM and ICP

KPIs and Data Points

For our Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), we drilled down on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as technical capabilities, financial health, and in-house tools. This granular approach refined our targeting, enhancing the quality of leads.

The Target Addressable Market (TAM) is all French SaaS companies with an Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) exceeding €300,000. This focus allowed us to tailor our outreach strategies effectively.

Data Enrichment and Tools

Utilizing specialized tools, we scraped comprehensive data sets on our TAM. This included key contacts, professional emails, and phone numbers, adding a layer of precision to our outbound efforts.

+4,000 contacts enriched

2 · Crafting Precision AI-generated Ice Breakers

We employed the capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT-4 and davinci-003 language models to create deeply personalized ice breakers. These AI-generated messages were data-driven, taking into account various customer touchpoints like past interactions, current needs, and behavioral signals to initiate genuine, meaningful dialogues.

Workflow automation

We integrated n8n, a powerful workflow automation platform, to schedule and disseminate these precision-crafted messages. The tool synchronized with our CRM and analytics platforms, enabling us to target leads based on up-to-the-minute data. This ensured each message reached the right prospect at an opportune moment, elevating the odds of engagement.

We automated the Ice Breaker creation with this n8n workflow

Real-Time Adaptability and Metrics-Driven Fine-Tuning

Our automated workflows didn't just set and forget; they continuously optimized. By capturing key performance metrics such as open rates, response rates, and time-to-response, we could refine our messaging strategies in real-time. This feedback mechanism, built into our n8n workflows, resulted in ever-improving outreach efficiency and effectiveness.

3 · Launch Highly-Personalized Outbound Campaigns

Leveraging the tailored Ice Breakers, we launched outbound campaigns that were hyper-personalized for each industry. Our 1:1 approach ensured a unique, memorable first impression, vital in capturing attention and driving engagement.

Tools and CRM Integration

To streamline campaign execution, we employed specialized outbound marketing tools. These seamlessly integrated with our CRM, centralizing all data including open rates, click-through rates, and subsequent steps in the customer journey.

Immediate Impact and Metrics

Within the first month, we observed significant improvements in key performance metrics. Open rates soared to +72%, and our click-through rate saw a 15% increase. This quantitative success was complemented by qualitative feedback, with prospects frequently noting the personalized nature of our messaging.

7.6% answer rate and +12 Demo booked with this cold emailing campaign

4 · Strategic Paid Advertising to Complement Outbound Efforts

Recognizing the hyper-competitive nature of the SaaS industry, we formulated a targeted paid advertising strategy that focused exclusively on our client's premium audience segments. We implemented multiple tactics such as remarketing to users who visited the pricing page, retargeting users based on their last 14 and 30 days of website activity, and leveraging segmented database lists.

These techniques were systematically aligned with our ongoing outbound email campaigns for a cohesive, multi-channel approach.

Phased Escalation in Advertising Spend for High-Value Leads

After the initial email outreach, we conducted an analysis to identify high-potential contacts. Based on this assessment, we doubled our advertising budget to re-engage these prospects specifically. This aggressive escalation strategy was synchronized with the outbound campaigns to maximize touchpoints and keep the brand top-of-mind, ultimately accelerating the decision-making process.

Tangible ROI Through Multi-Channel Synchronization

Our escalated paid advertising approach led to the re-engagement of over 10 premium prospects, each of whom transitioned into substantial business deals. This validated our multi-layered strategy, providing concrete evidence that synchronized paid advertising can significantly compress the sales cycle and elevate conversion rates in a highly competitive marketplace.

+40 conversions a less than 39€ CPL and +200% ROAS

💰 The results

  • Generated +12 meetings/week with a highly coordinated approach to SDRs

  • We added +4,000 contacts, enriched with emails, phone numbers and additional key data

  • We generated almost €8,000 in MRR thanks to all these strategies and a dedicated CEO & SDR

  • Build brand awareness in this market, identifying it as the best statistical analysis tool for SaaS



Cold CallingLead GenerationEmailing


Févr. 2023 à Juin 2023