8 collectifs


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On conçoit, on fait évoluer et on développe votre SaaS & vos produits associés.

12 missions réalisées avec Collective

Design 4 Impact

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Un collectif d'experts en stratégie, produit et design pour vous accompagner de la définition de votre besoin jusqu'à la solution


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Product management, design & développement • Nous créons votre produit sur mesure de A à Z, et/ou le faisons évoluer, pour correspondre aux besoins de votre cible

Product Verse

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Let's shape the future of product

Scalae Studio

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We solve your business problems with tech solutions


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We help you to build the right product for your users.


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Enhancing Product Experience, Driving Growth

Limbo Studio

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CTOs as a service

Partir.com logo


Culture & LoisirsServices IT & ConsultingTech & SoftwarePetite entreprise

Partir.com - Website and infra

Partir.com is a leading online travel agency on the french market.


Partir.com is a leading online travel agency on the french market.

Its website is served to more than 10 million unique visitors per year.

What did we do?

  • Developing a website from mockups

  • Maintaining and migrating components from a complex PHP stack with more than 10 years of development

  • Implementing and deploying a CDN to serve medias to more than 50,000 daily connections

To make content management a breeze, we created a pure HTML and CSS template, which was then integrated into a PHP framework to accommodate the content. Thanks to our expertise and adaptability, we delivered a high-performing website tailored to the needs of the online travel agency.

We deployed an open-source CDN which saves $500-$1,000 of hosting cost / month.





Oct. 2022 à Juin 2023