48 collectifs


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Our network delivers impact to visionary companies while enjoying more of life - personally and professionally.


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Enhancing Product Experience, Driving Growth


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Cultivateur de croissance

Sales, Digital & Strategy

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Trois expertises pour la croissance

Les Indiens

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Faites de votre marque une outil de croissance puissant

La Famiglia - Collectif de Freelances

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Experts en marketing digital

Share Collective

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Sales & Marketing Go-to-Market 🇫🇷 / 🇺🇸


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Be data driven

Anteli Consulting

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Experts Revops | Utilisez la technologie et les datas pour améliorer votre croissance


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Turn your data into actions to activate x2 qualified leads

Corporate Voices

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Le collectif qui vous aide à construire et alimenter votre stratégie pour servir votre marque corporate.

Societe.com logo


Services IT & ConsultingCommerce & DistributionTech & SoftwarePME

Share <> Societe.com: launching outbound B2B activity as co-head of Sales

Market leader yet without dedicate outbound B2B sales team, Societe.com reached out to Share Collective to support their future head of Sales set-up their new strategy

Societe.com reached out to us with multiple Sales challenges:

- Their future head of sales was onboarding soon yet they didn't master outbound B2B prospection (their business was mostly inbound)
- The team need to ramp-up in terms of process, prospecting skills (mail, phone, posture)
- The business required deeper data analytics to better drive strategy

We launched the mission as co-head of Sales with the new head of Sales.

⭐️ North Star KPI : 20% connection rate on outbound prospection

A quick snapshot of the roll-out:

1 - Audit and deep-dive into business metrics (1 week)
2 - Strategy proposal + market segmentation (2 weeks)
3 - Reorganization of the team with a dedicate SDR unit + 1 full-stack Sales + 1 sales dedicate to inbound management
4 - Set-up of new CRM (Hubspot) + prospection tool stack
4 - Launch of the Sales playbook to centralize all information, trainings and process related to business activity and people training
5 - Market bets and prospection rush on segment #1 and #2

Results (mission still ongoing)
- 30% connection rate on reactivation campaigns /
- Sales cycle shortened by 2 steps and launch of 1 call-closing campaign
- Head of Sales fully ramp-up on their new role



Lead GenerationStratégie SalesEmailing


Sept. 2023 à Janv. 2024